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Изменения репутации

  1. Like
    Ceburekas получил репутацию от Sion1991 в Go to x10 together!   
  2. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию xSalvatore в Small and Nasty clan for casual int players   
    lf ppl 76+, clan skills, fort, CH, alliance with 2 clans
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    Ceburekas изменил репутацию Zitra в Small and Nasty clan for casual int players   
    Hey, still LF players? I used to play c3, c4, c5, interlude and stopped in gracia. I work now, so this is the perfect deal for me :) I can do ANY class and ANY subclass you need! I really do not mind playing support, I quite like it :) Cheers
  4. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию Gloreth в Small and Nasty clan for casual int players   
    dominator lfc
    PA/nublesse soon
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    Ceburekas изменил репутацию LadyRose в Im confused   
    perhaps you are logging on the previous servers opened by Averia that are on top of the server list, but they have different rates. like X70 Xwhatever.
    you can log on Averia h5 server with 8000 server by logging on ANY of the proxys that start with X10 indicative. You can find them if you scroll down in the server login screen.
    It`s not rocket science. :) pls say if you`ve got it.
  6. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию aiga в wtb moirai robe circlet/shoes/sleeves/stockings   
    moirai stockings 105kk mail/pm "aiga
  7. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию aiga в wtb moirai robe circlet/shoes/sleeves/stockings   
    Moriai circlet - 75kk
    Moirai Shoes - 55kk
    Moirai Gloves - 55kk
    Moirai Stockings 100kk
    PM/Mail "aiga
    "Real Money Trade is forbidden! Report about the fact of such trade to our stuff members with PM. Seller/buyer will be banned and you will get bonus [by Administration of the project]"
  8. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию AncientPower в Small and Nasty clan for casual int players   
    Overlord lf clan ;)
  9. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию PanzerLazer в Small and Nasty clan for casual int players   
    ING : LadyFisty with box prp . currently lvl 60, will play more at about 2pm or so, hopefully will catch your Mail.
    Skype : Chappelle123 .
    I'm a working
  10. Like
    Ceburekas получил репутацию от Aline в Small and Nasty clan for casual int players   
    i think ally suits best. :)
  11. Like
    Ceburekas получил репутацию от Aline в Small and Nasty clan for casual int players   
    International clan for casual people *Small and Nasty*
    Stuff u need when ur goin to join us at start

    2 Profession
    Ability to speak english
    People who are going to play 24/7 this is not place for you , clan is fully casual for working people.
    no class restrictions, ofc prefered supports
    also Positive thinking.

    Open Recruitment gonna start day after server launches.(14 may)
    *The server starts on 13 March 2015, 7:00 PM (UTC/GMT +3)*
    For clan invitation pm "Cellardoor (Again ill tell u dont do it before may 14)
    also slot saving to get into clan isint able,pm when ur 40 with ur 2 class atleast.
    Later this post gonna be edited as server starts.
  12. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию Donpaco в Small and Nasty clan for casual int players   
    I Will this evening!
  13. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию cahok в LF GOOD SYSTEM TO 10X   
    yo dawg, i herd you like patches, so we put a patch in the patch so you can download while you download

  14. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию Sitim в Small and Nasty clan for casual int players   
    ok no problem :). i wanted to say that international community must stay together :). clan/alliance or just friends :). what about ally? speak with our leaders on game but i think its good idea :)
  15. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию Donpaco в Small and Nasty clan for casual int players   
    What a coincidence!! We are both starting a clan with the same reasons! I guess we should have a talk!
  16. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию Awe в What kind of buffs, what hides under "inclusive"?   
    This buffer is only available on OBT. It won't be on the start.

    There is no special buffer. Newbie Guide gives you 6 standart buffs but the special feature of the server is that any character of any lvl (1-85) can get buffs.
    In Alt+B there is absolutely the same buff sets as in Newbie Guide but it's available only for PA owners.
  17. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию Awe в PM on forum   
    5 days should pass after registration date and you should have 15+ messages.
  18. Like
    Ceburekas получил репутацию от Hardware в Small and Nasty clan for casual int players   
    International clan for casual people *Small and Nasty*
    Stuff u need when ur goin to join us at start

    2 Profession
    Ability to speak english
    People who are going to play 24/7 this is not place for you , clan is fully casual for working people.
    no class restrictions, ofc prefered supports
    also Positive thinking.

    Open Recruitment gonna start day after server launches.(14 may)
    *The server starts on 13 March 2015, 7:00 PM (UTC/GMT +3)*
    For clan invitation pm "Cellardoor (Again ill tell u dont do it before may 14)
    also slot saving to get into clan isint able,pm when ur 40 with ur 2 class atleast.
    Later this post gonna be edited as server starts.
  19. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию IronMaIdeN в I'm Alice, and I new here ;)   
    Good afternoon :-) My name is Alice and I recently went to Averia. I am very pleased that this project so many international players. I am from Norway, but I have a Russian grandmother, and I know a little Russian. I hope that I will be happy here.:p:p:p
  20. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию Nixu в Where are you from?   
    Hello from Lithuania! (wave)
  21. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию Betty в Unique Offline Buffer System. Description and functions.   
    Dear Averians!
    Offline-buffer system appeared on our servers long time ago but not everyone knows what it is and how to use it. I'm going to tell you!
    Offline-buffer is an analogue of ordinary offtrade but it sells not items but buffs.

    How does it work?
    In .cfg you should choose "Customize offline buffer" and specify:
    1. Title which will be over your head during the trading (for example: POW +15, COV +15)
    2. Price for each buff.

    System features:
    1. Any character can buy your buffs.
    2. You can choose by yourself the effects which will be enchanted.
    3. Not available effects: Mystic Immunity, Flames of Invincibility, Blessing of Eva.
    4. This function is available for Doomcryer, Dominator, Eva's Saint, Shillien Elder, Hierophant and their second professions.
    5. Your character must reach 61 level.
    6. 20% tax.
    Some screenshots:
    [spoiler=This is how character who sells buff looks like. ]
    Available zones for sell:
    Main squares of towns - Rune \ Hunter \ Heine
    Temples - Gludin \ Dion \ Giran \ Aden \ Goddart

  22. Like
    Ceburekas получил репутацию от Sirinox в Go to x10 together!   
  23. Like
    Ceburekas получил репутацию от Awe в Go to x10 together!   
  24. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию Awe в Amulets' system   
    Dear friends, this time we've decided to add bonus to those who's actively fighting in PvP with other players and came up with amulets' system.
    All in all 11 amulets was added, here's how they look like:

    What are the amulets, what they give and what they're needed for?
    1. +3% HP
    2. +3% MP
    3. +3% CP
    4. +3% Speed
    5. +3% Evasion
    6. +3% Accuracy
    7. +3% P.Def
    8. +3% M.Def
    9. +3% P.Atk
    10. +3% M.Atk
    11. +15 All Attribute
    All amulets are able to be traded/sold, work at the Olympics, can drop from PK, also effect of the same amulets does NOT add up, that's why extra amulets can be sold ot traded with friends.
    In order to work, amulet just must be in inventory.
    How to get them?
    You can get them only fighting in PvP (winning) with other players and also taking part and winning at the Olympics. Number of players you must kill to get one or the another amulet varies, it can be both 10 and 70 players. At once I'll add that there's a lot of checks and restrictions, changing IP/HWID won't help you, obj_id of killed characters will be written directly in database. For those who's actively fighting and killing enemies, Amulets would be a nice bonus.
  25. Like
    Ceburekas изменил репутацию Awe в Go to x10 together!   
    Dear Averians!
    Don't forget to take your friends for the spring start! It order to let all your friends know that you will go to the Averia.ws on 13 March, update your mood-message in Skype to
    "High Five x10 - spring start of Averia.ws will be very soon, on 13 March ^^"
    Posting the screenshot in this thread, you will get respect and 20 avers on your forum account.
    You can update your statuses in other social nets and get bonuses too :rolleyes:

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