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О Zonberg

  • День рождения 03/01/1985


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  1. I do spend money on L2 (a lot) but first i play and check is it worth it. here it looks like its not. All you guys want is just a $$$ I even didnt know that here is a limited nummber of boxes to play. Almost bought a premium, was thinking today or tomorrow, thanks God i didn't.
  2. Ok, looks like there is no chance to talk to unban it. So im off, good luck!
  3. Is there any limit to open? I think 7 is not a huge nummber. Some servers i play with 15-18 to kill epics
  4. Whats going on, my sws cant log in. Its not a first time when i cant log some of my buffers. I get till server list, try to log in and get disconected.
  5. Zonberg

    Our photos

    Vacation in Mallorca
  6. Zonberg

    Where are you from?

    Hi there, im from London :thumbsup: Can't wait for x10 grand opening;) See you around ;)
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