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Изменения репутации

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    Jamis изменил репутацию Brangellon в Averia x10 on the 13th of March!   
    I agree with you, girls there are really awesome:inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:
  2. Like
    Jamis изменил репутацию Awe в What do you know about Russia?   
    Dear Averians!
    As you know, Averia.ws is Russian project and it's not out of place to ask you: "What you know about Russia?".
    It's very interesting for me to read some funny stereotypes and your opinions ;)
    Let's go!

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    Jamis изменил репутацию Awe в What kind of buffs, what hides under "inclusive"?   
    This buffer is only available on OBT. It won't be on the start.

    There is no special buffer. Newbie Guide gives you 6 standart buffs but the special feature of the server is that any character of any lvl (1-85) can get buffs.
    In Alt+B there is absolutely the same buff sets as in Newbie Guide but it's available only for PA owners.
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