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О Sitim

  • День рождения 01/04/1992


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Sitim's Achievements

  1. Sitim

    Social Quest #1 - Tell us about...

    10 years ago. My brother in law said to me: "Play L2 with us, it is the best MMORPG". Of course he had right... and then, I was playing more and longer than him.. :) MUSpaluch1992 from my colleagues and by reading some of forums Because no time. but L2 is like a boomerang. always you come back :)
  2. Sitim

    Small and Nasty clan for casual int players

    ok no problem :). i wanted to say that international community must stay together :). clan/alliance or just friends :). what about ally? speak with our leaders on game but i think its good idea :)
  3. Sitim

    BlackArmy's recruiting int/pl people

    we make international section on our forum and teamspeak. i see more and more people are interested, so goood :) welcome and enjoy! ;)
  4. Sitim

    BlackArmy's recruiting int/pl people

    ja wlasnie probowalem wyslac pw do Skacowanego i Sivrite ale nie mam praw ;/ ok people. i have good news for you :) we decided to recruit international players too on the grand opening :). So if you want to play with us, have fun and meet cool personalities you can join us :). We DON'T say: "You must make this or this class". You can play every class you want. We are focusing of integration with people ;). You play damage dealer - good, you play support - good :). If you make dualbox char is no problem for us. If you have CP and you will join we will be happy too :). Maybe we will not be the best side on server, but we can make a lot and have fun ofc :) so if you enjoy of our idea pm on game to: "Badyl (or "NiezlaSztuka") - CL "Monsieur - vCL "Sitim "Kamlot or other members of BlackArmy in the near future we will make current of our presentation on averia's forum :) Have a nice day!
  5. Sitim

    BlackArmy's recruiting int/pl people

    The base of our clan is polish casual team with a lot of experience, but we are outgoing to international players too :). Then we will have more fun on server :). I think we will recruit international players too, if the server will be good decision to play :). Then we will make current this forum page :). See you in game! ;)
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