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О kmac

  • День рождения 09/04/1992


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  1. kmac

    GG sever

    This is definitely an administration/server set up that is at fault. No advertising and no incentives for new players made it so you were only losing players and never gaining any actual player base. It truly felt like the server set up was entirely set up just for those 2 big clans for a quick cash grab and for them to rush to get heroes and once they got them they left and cashed out. All their gear and toons are for sale on the adena sites and as for the solo and non cp players they all had to donate to just try to be relevant and then once the paid to play on the server the clans left and the server died out. There was nothing left, Because the player base became that few. Right now player base will still hover around 1k compared to the 5k it had a week and a half ago, but in all honesty i have no idea how long that 1k will even last due to only losing players and never getting any new ones and as i said before if its including shops and bots then the player base is definitely half of that.
  2. kmac

    GG sever

    yeah the server died out in 3 weeks.. not one person was even running round in any town and half the online count were the shops in town and another quarter of the online count was simply bots/adena sellers. Couldn't even find someone to pk because every single area was empty and Even if you merge the servers 50 active players are not going to save it. It would have to be a merge with a big server to recover but that's not happening. Once both large clans that only play for money to advertise newly opened servers left, everyone seemed to follow knowing that there would be nothing left to fight for. Can't believe this server died so fast. Guess il just accept the fact that its just about the money for this game now and people can't make a server last more then a month.
  3. kmac

    why you restart server?

    probably because a lot of people cant even start clients up and even when they can and try to login they just disconnect after a minute or 2.
  4. kmac

    server connections

    was in game and got dc/d. Now can't login and get connection errors 1, 2, or 5 for no reason. Sometimes i get in game and sometimes i don't. Been no reply from support and others seem to have similar issues. Anyone know whats going on?
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