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О LadyRose

  • День рождения 08/12/1987


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  1. LadyRose

    Im confused

    perhaps you are logging on the previous servers opened by Averia that are on top of the server list, but they have different rates. like X70 Xwhatever. you can log on Averia h5 server with 8000 server by logging on ANY of the proxys that start with X10 indicative. You can find them if you scroll down in the server login screen. It`s not rocket science. :) pls say if you`ve got it.
  2. LadyRose

    Important quests

    can you please share a link with that quest saga from dion? I dont think I know what you`re talking about either Thx
  3. LadyRose

    Important quests

    to be very honest I only did the cruma lvl 40 quest but I didnt even find that one rewarding enough... At there rates of xp and drops (x10) compared to quest reward (only x2)... it`s worth more to rush up farming to high lvl areas where adena drops are good and xp is easy. Ofc, that`s just IMHO.
  4. LadyRose

    Important quests

    and the 7signs saga. If you`re a masochist, you can make mine too
  5. LadyRose

    Class change

    Hm, maybe you figured it out already, but since you got no reply here, there you go: - regarding Actions, I can only assume that you open actions when you are transformed (inquisitor maybe). That`s the only reason I can think of, cause I don`t know if it`s how it`s supposed to be, but I get half of actions when I`m on inquisitor. - for learning skills you dont have to go to an NPC. You dont even have to be in town. I have no ideea why your window just closes, but I havent tryed learning from NPC either. For learning skills you just have to type .skill and the learning skill window pops up. You can even be out of town, but obviously you cant learn while in combat, and I think I noticed that you cant learn if you are making XP/SP. So at farm just leave the pt for a minute learn skills and get invited back. Hope that farming is going well! Have fun!
  6. LadyRose

    Trade town

    Oh, and ...is there anything special about Gludin, any feature that isnt in any other town? Except for the fact that it`s "trademark Averia" why should we go all the way to GLudin for selling, especially when the teleport fees are...overpriced:p
  7. LadyRose

    Trade town

    ah, so that explains why I couldnt find anything good in Giran market. ....and also why I couldnt sell anything when I put shop in Giran... When I played on Averia last year or in 2013 (dont remeber sorry) Giran Harbor was main location and it was awesome because of the free TP from everywhere (Alt+B and GK). So imagine my surprise when I went to Giran Harbour on x10 and didnt find even a single shop, although all the amenities were there (GK free TP, Item Broker, Wh Keeper, some Cat afaik etc)
  8. LadyRose

    Hello all

    no they dont... either they leave you alone and dont write at all, either they write something more in russian, which I can only assume is something nasty since I can`t copy paste it in Google translate :) There is still hope though, I was invited in some partyes and even though they saw I couldnt talk / understand RU, they didnt kick me. Well, I`m support class, maybe that`s why...or maybe I was lucky. you should join an international CP or a clan, otherweise you might get bored soon.
  9. LadyRose

    Trade town

    so Gludin is main town for all trade? not just beginer stuff? How come it`s not Giran or Giran Harbour?
  10. LadyRose

    Class change

    http://forum.averia.ws/threads/averia-x10-on-the-13th-of-march.87159/ Shared the link where you can confirm this information and plenty more. Oh, and since it took me few minutes to figure out where I can make the class change from, looking for some Averia NPC in town, maybe there are some other people like me: no NPC, just ALT+B
  11. LadyRose

    Class change

    2kk for second class change
  12. LadyRose

    RO / INT CP

    Hello guys, Adult experienced players, with (sex/social) lives and jobs and a good attitude, common sense and a sense of humor lf CP mates with similar description. (Ro or International) CP Time 20:00 - 00:00 GMT+2 Team comunication: TS We will all agree toghether on a clan. CP Setup: EE - reserved SpS - reserved Sorc - reserved StS - OL - reserved Cardi - Cardi BD SWS - Pony - BOX Spoiler - box Dod - box crafter - box Please: - know your class or be willing to learn it - know your role or be willing to take instructions - know that 8 other people are counting on you to show up and play (or at least to let them know you won`t make it) If you fit the class, CP time, my kind requests and description, pm here with some info about yourself, not just class. We`r gonna be spending some time together so I need to know I wont be playing with a brainless beast. Thanks, GL Rose PM LadyRose in game
  13. LadyRose

    SPS / EE / SPS(or Sorc) lf International / Ro CP

    UP So few Internat ppl here?
  14. LadyRose

    Looking for Romanian people

    inca 3, Dhaenya, nu numara si boxu :))
  15. Mature, intelligent, rational people looking for nuker CP. We want to play with players similar to our description, interests and play schedule : 19:00 - 00:30 GMT +2. Please keep in mind that we do have a sex and social life, so one evening per week might be reserved for non in game activities, but we will announce up ahead and make all arrangements not to interfere with important CP activities. More than 6 years L2 experience and good knowledge of our classes. For the moment please Pm on forum. Thank you Rose
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