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О slomiany

  • День рождения 08/08/1989


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  1. slomiany

    It's time to get acquainted! Well, Hello, I'm Betty

    I have lil daugther too, she is 4 months now, her name is Bianka :) Beautiful girl
  2. slomiany

    Class to play.

    Y i think that th with pvp armor and weapon enchanted with mirage is Kinga strong. We will see which one wins the poll :)
  3. slomiany

    Class to play.

    I like it too, however i always wonder how to play it, clean nuker style (here are mp pots so its quite viable) or hybrid but with rapier only cause i hate that switching weapons, I get confused sometimes in fast pvp :P
  4. slomiany

    Class to play.

    Hi. Wonder what to choose for new x25 server. Looking for good pvp class. I havent been playing lineage for quite long time thats why i need your help to decide. I have picked few classes in a pole, mainly those i wish to play. You can pick two bests and lets See which one wins.
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