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О w84D

  • День рождения 09/10/1993


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w84D's Achievements

  1. w84D

    Interface Modification

    Where can I find some cool icons to use ?? Like this. http://adrenalin-clan.ucoz.ua/shot00010tu7.png
  2. w84D

    Interface Modification

    Can you post interface screen of partywnd to reduce the size of the cell and add the name on the HP bar? Ty.
  3. w84D

    Interface Modification

    How do I modify DXT files? I mean .. I can modify them but once I try to put them into systextures they cannot be overwritten.
  4. w84D

    Interface Modification

    How did u put the class name inside the Target window?
  5. Lorn, do you also know how to color the sysmsg of skills cooldown? The one that says for ex. "There are 10 seconds in Final Secret Cooldown" .
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