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О butan112

  • День рождения 12/23/1993


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  1. butan112

    Im confused

    So wich one i have to join to play with that 8000 players :)) ?
  2. butan112

    Im confused

    So that means the server got only 100 ppl?
  3. butan112

    Im confused

    Hello to evrybody...i would like to play on averia x10 but when i log in and when i have to chose the server it apears like 10-12 servers wich one is averia x10 main server ?? , because i have started to play to one of them and i saw that its only 97-100 ppl online that;s why i think it;s not the main server...if anyone can help me i will be verry gratefull :) Peace.
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