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О Batchelor

  • День рождения 02/11/1987


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Batchelor's Achievements

  1. Batchelor

    Where are you from?

    Kaunas city. [spoiler=Kaunas] [ATTACH=full]62206[/ATTACH] Been in Kaunas before , looks like soviet war town
  2. Batchelor

    is it worth to play Bishop?

    play what ever you think, but DO NOT PLAY BP alone :D
  3. Batchelor

    How much you're going to Donate?

    50$ for opening
  4. Batchelor

    Custom Pets

    They give any stats? or they have some special buffs?
  5. Batchelor

    Why you left last server?

    Enchanting is hard :D , deal with it , you're not only one who has enchanting hard :D
  6. Batchelor

    Mana potion

    Averia have like 24/7 customer service :D
  7. Batchelor

    Automatic enchantement?

    You have Automatic Agumenting, and attribute, can you make enchating too? :D
  8. Batchelor


    Do you even have friends? or you are most hated character in L2? :cool:
  9. Batchelor

    auctioneer l2

    if needed i can give you developer who made Auction house
  10. Batchelor

    about olympiad time!

    GMT +3 , server should be in moscow time
  11. Batchelor

    Help ( cant log to game)

    Russians always have some ADVANCED technology, we eurobeans are like old folks, never learn and never want to learn. :D
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