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Dr3am's Achievements

  1. Dr3am

    Where are you from?

  2. Dr3am

    Vote reward?

    Vote reward should increase rates of server , then people actually vote, if it's stupid accessories they just dont care
  3. Dr3am

    CP Clicker

  4. Dr3am

    is it worth to play Bishop?

    alright, thing is it's not much to spend some $ on premium account , and the bonuses you recive from it is not only good for you, but also for the whole team, cause PA gets balanced in party, if one member does not have PA , the % is reduced
  5. Dr3am

    is it worth to play Bishop?

    all you need is patient, start searching groups and friends now, 2 days before opening , there will be huge of ammounts of people who are going to search parties. BTW you are going to get Premium account?
  6. Dr3am

    is it worth to play Bishop?

    create your own cp or find one, negotiate with leader or make own rules, simple
  7. Dr3am

    Chat Moderators ingame

    there will be like testing days?
  8. Dr3am

    Why you left last server?

    Got it.
  9. Dr3am

    Why you left last server?

    is it allowed to say server names?
  10. Dr3am


    not only smart but we had more time to run around look at the server, not just enchant and attribute
  11. Dr3am

    about olympiad time!

  12. Dr3am

    Kitties, CATS & Pussies

    I got very similar cat, unfortunately i cant make photo, my cat is not photogenetic
  13. Dr3am


    Open Beta will have top enchanted gears?
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