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О AchYle

  • День рождения 09/19/1990


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AchYle's Achievements

  1. AchYle

    The best class for olympiad

    prp for sure
  2. AchYle

    Let's have some fun?

    enchantress is low since 2k13 when i saw him first time at tales, nothing new, no need confirm
  3. AchYle

    Beta Server

    pls playing with enchantress is like killing gremlin with 80 lvl
  4. AchYle

    Macro cooldowns

    its retail bug ;)
  5. AchYle


    deal with it
  6. AchYle

    LF CP

    nu way
  7. AchYle

    Battle for Olympiad 24/7

    -5 reputations seems like you are retard, fine...
  8. AchYle

    Battle for Olympiad 24/7

    ez for me
  9. AchYle

    It's time to get acquainted! Well, Hello, I'm Betty

    Happy Birthday Betty ;)
  10. AchYle

    Class to play.

    Where is prophet ?: ((((
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