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О owiukass1

  • День рождения 06/02/1989


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owiukass1's Achievements

  1. owiukass1

    LF International ppl

  2. Hello. want ask how about lucky pig are they here (in this server) ??? how much % chanse to see lucky pig ??? and how to get neolithic crystal only from donate or from lucky pig to ??
  3. owiukass1

    LF PPL

    International CP lf normal ppl that will play til the end. Say what class you want to play and i say more info. :) Skype : workas3
  4. owiukass1

    LF International ppl

    Last slot for sorc :D will be beter if can play as main asist :)
  5. owiukass1

    lf clan...

    Ha Ha Ha :D
  6. owiukass1

    International cp lf Cardi

    CP Full
  7. owiukass1

    LF PPL for off party

    LF ppl to off party -- Heriophant -- DoomCryer -- DOD Skype : Workas3
  8. owiukass1

    LF International ppl

    CP Full
  9. owiukass1

    LF International ppl

  10. owiukass1

    LF International ppl

    Mage cp lf international ppl 17+ years, whose using ts3. ofc speaking english. classes that we need : Sword singer, Sorceror Bishop - Taken Bishop - Taken OL - Taken bd - Taken sws - ? HelKnight - Taken sps - Taken sps - Taken sorc - ? Contact Skype : Workas3
  11. owiukass1

    International cp lf Cardi

    yes i know i aded not in that section. im confused today :/
  12. owiukass1

    International cp lf Cardi

    Title says. just pm me here or skype : Workas3 all info i say when you pm me :) Cardinal
  13. owiukass1

    Avers shop (Donate)

    hey man dont be soo angry :D i talking about idiots... and whose want get fast armors and fast subs + nobles then you bee first in server so much ppls want to show how they rich are and they stupid zuc using money for nothing. anivay to get moirai from start need good 3hours i think not more. anivay moirai useles only heavy no
  14. owiukass1

    Avers shop (Donate)

    1000 rly enaught for nobles + sub and premium acc if you want can donate more then you can buy moirai :D
  15. owiukass1

    Mage cp loooking for international/lithuanian ppl

    Dont blame, all player has own tactic how to play ;) if thats good cp its enaught of 3min to defeat team and reinvite pony to get buf :thumbsup: and wee configuring cp so thats not over we wil check on obt test how is beter to make cp.
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