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Fuck That

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    Fuck That получил репутацию от Sion1991 в Averia.ws x50 - start on 10 July 2015   
    DAAAAAAYM that girls are hot
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    Fuck That получил репутацию от BENIS в Expected Online   
    you 2 niggers, sthap, theese are not servers, they are bypassing money milking whores
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    Fuck That получил репутацию от Bromacia в Expected Online   
    you 2 niggers, sthap, theese are not servers, they are bypassing money milking whores
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    Fuck That изменил репутацию Fahrenheit в English Filter   
    If they write in russian, you dont understand anything anyway, but we also came up with an idea to balance this out, but this idea is not released yet and is still under going some inspections.

    This is theoretical party search option. When player made his choise about Chat filter, he will be in category of RU or ENG ( this will show players native language ).
    IF player decide that he wants to join Instance, for example : Zaken Hard , he will register through panel or make his own party by inviting players from that panel, once player has been invited to party , he will be automatically removed from Party search room.
    PS: this is theoretical example, and still undergoing some reviews, more info will be released in near future.
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    Fuck That изменил репутацию Fahrenheit в English Filter   
    Hello Whilhelm, i made an example:

    I havent seen the finished work yet, but it will look like this:
    There will be an command , probably .cfg , there is option to set your main language, if you set ENG, you will disable Russian chat, and other way around, For Russians they will use Mixed.
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