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Yson's Achievements

  1. Yson

    LF cp any class

    Feel free to contact me on Skype woodyason
  2. Yson


    Lf strong and good cp, who needs in good player like me :D I will be glad to see my friends, because new faces a bit annoying :confused: :cautious: Contact me on Skype woodyason
  3. Yson

    the best class

  4. Yson

    the best class

    the best is those class, playing for what, you are enjoying ;)
  5. Yson


    Hello!! I'm looking for very good cp, where members know, what to do in PvP. I am very good player and can play for any class. PM me here or, contact me on Skype woodyason
  6. Yson

    Like a Phoenix

  7. Yson

    Boxes limits

  8. Yson

    LF CP

    Hello, again! Prime time is 18/7 I will by PA and Valakas Contact me here or on skype: woodyason
  9. Yson

    Boxes limits

    Why? It's x30, not x1 :cautious: I guess, 1 box good for low rate servers, no?
  10. Yson

    Boxes limits

    What do you think about it?
  11. Yson

    PvP server x30 by Averia.ws - Start on 21st October 2016!

    There was a limit? :eek: I'd never played for archers on your project, but I heard that they farmed a lot of adena. Therefore reduced? :(
  12. Yson

    Looking for clan

    Hello everybody! So, new server is coming and I'm looking for clan! My prime time from 6 pm up to 02 am. I can play every day PM me, or write in skype woodyason
  13. Yson

    MindFuck CP

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