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    Yson изменил репутацию Betty в Event "Hunters Guild"   
    If you count how many monsters each character kills during its existence on the server, you might get scared by those numbers. But this is the feature of this game: If you want to live, you must kill.

    To increase level of their characters, players almost got to kill thousands of monsters every day in the game world. Often such pastime brings a special joy, but rather the opposite, maybe even to oppress, because we have to do this, because it is necessary.
    But why not combine the pleasant with the useful? That's why we decided to start an event on our project "Hunters Guild" in order to encourage players to burn lion's share of his playing time on the total destruction of all life in the world of Lineage 2.
    The task of the event is quite simple and should be familiar to many. The player who reached the 76th level, may take the order from the Guild for killing certain types of monsters. After completing the task, the player receives the corresponding award.

    Now a little more about everything and in order.
    Every player is automatically a member of the Hunters Guild. However, to begin performing tasks, it is necessary, as already mentioned to be 76th level.
    In order to get tasks, player must use the command .gettask, selecting the target of that monster, which he is willing to take an order from the Guild. With the active task this command displays information about the purpose of the order which is necessary to accomplish the killings.You can take an order only for killing normal monsters. That is, you cannot use this command on Raid Bosses, minions of Bosses, quest monsters, other players and other objects in the game that are not monsters. You also cannot take the task to kill the monsters whose level is below the level of the character by 5.
    If the player wishes to abort the task execution it is necessary to use the chat-command .declinetask, which will cancel the current order.
    The command .hglevel will allow the player to obtain information about the total number of completed and failed tasks, as well as their current level of trust in the Guild:

    The level of trust increases as you complete tasks the Hunters Guild. The more tasks player performed and the less tasks he failed, the quicker the level will rise. If the Guild determines that the player too often give up on assignments, the level of trust may fall. So I advise to think, whether to take the order of the selected monster, if you are sure that you will be able to fulfill it. The max trust level is 10.
    As a reward for the quest the player will receive Dragon Claw. The amount of Claws depends on the number of completed and failed tasks, from the level of the monster and the level of the player, and the level of confidence of the player in the Guild. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to increase it as soon as possible to get more rewards.
    Received Claws can be used to get Prestige points (1 Claw = 300points. As well as members of the Guild will be able to get a unique costume and hat of the Hunter, which will be sold only for the Dragon Claws.
    [ATTACH=full]109808[/ATTACH] Hunter's Suit - 100 Dragon Claws
    [ATTACH=full]109809[/ATTACH] Hunter's Hat - 25 Dragon Claws
    [spoiler=Appearance of Hunter's hat and suit]
    04.08 event will be launched at 05:00 after a morning restart will be conducted on an ongoing basis. Good luck, Hunters!
  2. Like
    Yson получил репутацию от automatic в Shares in Skype - Let’s go on x50 together!   
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    Yson получил репутацию от Jumbo в hello   
    Lf strong and good cp, who needs in good player like me :D
    I will be glad to see my friends, because new faces a bit annoying :confused: :cautious:
    Contact me on Skype woodyason
  4. Like
    Yson получил репутацию от Jumbo в Shares in Skype - Let’s go on x50 together!   
  5. Like
    Yson получил репутацию от Jumbo в the best class   
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    Yson получил репутацию от Idea в Shares in Skype - Let’s go on x50 together!   
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    Yson изменил репутацию Jumbo в the best class   
    Hello :)
    I am new moderator for international section.
  8. Like
    Yson изменил репутацию Betty в Shares in Skype - Let’s go on x50 together!   
    Hello, Averians! Are you ready for new start?
    I am sure, you will not go to play alone! Call your friends!

    Again we are launched a contest for you, thanks to which you will not go to play on our server without your friends.

    Just write in your mood on Skype:
    "First time in 4 years - re-launch of classic High Five x50 by Averia.ws team! Do not miss! https://goo.gl/dNox5C "

    For exapmle:

    As bonus you will get respect, reputation, like and 30 Avers on your forum account.
    More info about forum Avers here:inlove:
    Once You accumulate 300 Avers, you can transfer them on your Master account!
    Event will last until 25th May.

    5 random winners, who will be selected by random number generator will receive 500 rubles on their e-wallet. Also you can get 500 Avers on your Master account, if you don't want to get the money.

    Do not forget to put a screenshot down there ;)
    Good luck!

  9. Like
    Yson изменил репутацию Jumbo в Shares in Skype - Let’s go on x50 together!   
  10. Like
    Yson изменил репутацию familiar123 в Shares in Skype - Let’s go on x50 together!   
  11. Like
    Yson получил репутацию от firealex в LF   
    Hello!! I'm looking for very good cp, where members know, what to do in PvP.
    I am very good player and can play for any class.
    PM me here or, contact me on Skype woodyason
  12. Like
    Yson получил репутацию от iDandelion в Let’s go on x30 together!   
  13. Like
    Yson получил репутацию от Bofamiu в Let’s go on x30 together!   
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    Yson получил репутацию от Деарга в Let’s go on x30 together!   
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    Yson получил репутацию от Idea в Let’s go on x30 together!   
  16. Like
    Yson получил репутацию от Betty в Let’s go on x30 together!   
  17. Like
    Yson получил репутацию от Betty в Averia.ws x50 launch on 15th July 2016! 19:00 (GMT +3)   
  18. Like
    Yson получил репутацию от IronMaIdeN в Association   
    /Nice game!:thumbsup:
  19. Like
    Yson изменил репутацию Fahrenheit в [Critical error fix] Win 10 Pro x64 + BitDefender Internet Security 2015   
    very Nice guide +10 rep!
  20. Like
    Yson изменил репутацию Jager в [Critical error fix] Win 10 Pro x64 + BitDefender Internet Security 2015   
    Who can't start Lineage 2 with Win 10 Pro x64 (License) + BitDefender Internet Security 2015 (License), here is fix. When you try accept license agreement after entering your login and password. Maybe someone do this.
    Critical error:

    Lets go:
    1. Open your BitDefender and select "Protection"

    2. click "Settings"

    3. Go to "Exclusions" -> Turn On "Exclusions for files" -> Click "Excluded files and folders"

    4. Click "Add"

    5. Choose the path of folder with your game -> Select "Both" -> Press "Ok"

    6. Repeat step 1 and 2.
    7. Go to "Shiled" -> Turn Off "Active Virus Control"

    That's all. Now everything will be fine, you can start play Lineage 2.
    Note: If you turn back on "Active Virus Control" when not playing, dont forget turn him off again before launching l2.
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