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О MetiTermer

  • День рождения 11/30/1993


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MetiTermer's Achievements

  1. MetiTermer

    LF CZ/International CP

    Male 21, living in Czech republic looking for CZ/Internation CP. biggest problem, job at night. Not try harding. Will play HK. Pm
  2. MetiTermer

    Averia.ws x50 - start on 10 July 2015

    Ty for answer :thumbsup:
  3. MetiTermer

    Averia.ws x50 - start on 10 July 2015

    Tezza, zaken -> Night 60, hard day, freya, hard freya
  4. MetiTermer

    Averia.ws x50 - start on 10 July 2015

    Any info about instances and ppl required?
  5. MetiTermer


    It's Midrate, with alt+B, gm shop :D Its not retail like. Just saying it should be nice, cuz mages already owning, not talking about those Slh: Steal Divinity -> warp -> Repeat :D Mage cancel, which cancel up to 7 buffs (off like) in pvp. As i said, Cancel parties will be only pvp parties here :) -> As always my opinion and u respect it. I know! :ninja:
  6. MetiTermer

    About Pet Blue that give Gift of Seraphim

    Do i get a cookie? :cry:
  7. MetiTermer

    About Pet Blue that give Gift of Seraphim

    But that pet does not give u Case harden as far as i test it :) It gives u buff with icon like Case Harden, but thats it. Its name is Armor Maitenance and it gives you p def, in light, robe and heavy so. So it works for mage also.
  8. MetiTermer


    What is not how it should be?
  9. MetiTermer

    Avers and Averinkas

    So we will se in live right?
  10. MetiTermer


    As i understand canceled buffs wont come back.. Solo players wont have much success. Everybody must have BD/SWS -> Nice idea, ppl will atleast play it. U wont have them everytime by your side. Also everyone will play only sorc/sps just cuz of this. You should consider getting canceled buffs back after some time. Like in 30-60s. Yes u can buff your self if your not in combat,but in longterm pvp, party or player without bd/sws will loose vs cancel party.
  11. MetiTermer

    Avers and Averinkas

    Ty for answer, can u also tell what can i buy with averinaks and where? :)
  12. MetiTermer

    Avers and Averinkas

    sure i will :) + will bot of them be tradeable?
  13. MetiTermer

    Avers and Averinkas

    So Avers should be dropped from 40+ Rb's... They dont have it on OBT in drop list. So my question is, how much avers will they drop? And also where do i spend Averinkas? I saw some services for newbie players -> shop for newbie players, but can open it. Do i have to vote or smt?
  14. MetiTermer

    Oly max ench

    @Katins I wont play leather class. In end game Leather users will fall behind.
  15. MetiTermer

    Oly max ench

    Its not about a chance, which i think is retail like, just spoil FoG, Tons of eas, craft your vesper/moirai -> OE
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