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    Rokosssi изменил репутацию brT в WTT Vesper Buster Acumen + 9   
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    Rokosssi изменил репутацию AchYle в CZ / SVK CLAN   
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    Rokosssi изменил репутацию Betty в How to Train your Dragon   
    Each player who is joining Averia servers will have small egg in their inventory, consider your self as an Dragon master, you have to take care of him, hug, kiss, feed and grow, because he's an companion that will defend you from any kind of danger, other words : He's your personal support. I will write an guide what he does and what benefits he will bring to your character.
    Your pet will use skills automatically, when it's needed!
    Once you created an character, you will receive Small Egg. this cannot be traded, sold or droped, at ALT+B there is tab called "Events" you can find button "My Dragon" where you can evolve your pet.
    [spoiler=My Dragon]

    After you clicked on "My Dragon" tab, you will see this window:
    [spoiler=Dragon room]

    Before you get pet, it's important that you take care of egg, for doing that you need:
    - Small Egg
    - 3 x dragon souls 1st level
    eventually you will receive Large Egg. You can trade this item between charaters.
    Beginning has already been made, pretty soon your egg with hatch. But if you did not take care of egg, there is a chance he will die. :(
    Large egg can be opened by double clicking on it. if you where a good parent , you will receive your own pet at 1st phase.
    Bracelet - Baby valakas 1st level. If your egg did not receive love and care you will receive Broken egg, you can exchange broken egg for new small egg, and you can try again to raise him.
    [spoiler=Exchange Broken Egg for Small egg]

    To make that exchange you need:

    Broken Egg
    99.999 Аdena

    To upgrade your pet to 2nd level you need:

    Bracelet - Small Valakas 1st level
    50 x Dragon souls 1st level
    38 x Avers

    After upgrade you will receive Bracelet - Small valakas 2nd level, you will be able to summon small valakas that learned some special abilities to help you amoung your path.
    Important notice: Pet skills that dont show the level of it, are always max level.
    [spoiler=Small Valakas Level 2 skills]
    Buffs for mage:
    Buffs for fighters:
    To upgrade your pet 3rd level you will need:

    Bracelet - Small Valakas 2nd level
    150 x Dragon souls 1st level
    57 x Avers

    After upgrading you will receive Bracelet - Small Valakas 3rd level.
    [spoiler=Abilities of 3rd level]
    Buffs for Mage:
    Buffs for Fighters:
    To upgrade your pet 4th level you will need:

    Bracelet - Small Valakas 3rd level
    300 x Dragon Souls 1st level
    10 x Fallen Warriors blood
    144 x Avers

    You will receive Bracelet - Small Valakas 4th level.
    [spoiler=Abilities of 4th level]
    Buffs for Mages: (lvl 1)
    Buffs fr Fighters: (lvl 1)
    To upgrade your pet to 5th level, you will need:

    Bracelet - Small Valakas 4th level
    5 x Dragon souls 2nd level
    25 x Fallen Warriors blood
    100 x Lava stones
    10 x Fire Crystal
    222 x Avers

    You will receive Bracelet - Small Valakas 5th level.
    [spoiler=Abilities of 5th level]
    Buff for mages: (lvl 1) (lvl 2)
    Buff for fighters: (lvl 1) (lvl 2)
    The player will get 3 Self-buffs in to the active skills:
    - Blessing of Queen (Level 1)
    - Gift of Queen (Level 1)
    - Gift of Seraphim (Level 1)
    To upgrade your pet to 6th level, you will need:

    Bracelet - Small Valakas 5th level
    15 x Dragon souls 2nd level
    50 x Fallen Warriors Blood
    250 x Lava stones
    20 x Fire crystals
    279 x Aver
    400.000.000 Adena

    You will receive Bracelet - Small Valakas 6th level.
    [spoiler=Abilities of 6th level]
    Buffs for Mages: (lvl 13) (lvl 3)
    Buffs for Fighters: (lvl 13) (lvl 3)
    The player will get 3 Self-buffs in to the active skills:
    - Blessing of Queen (Level 3)
    - Gift of Queen (Level 3)
    - Gift of Seraphim (Level 3)
    To upgrade your pet to 7th level, you will need:

    Bracelet - Small Valakas 6th level
    1 x Dragon soul 3rd level.
    100 x Fallen Warriors Blood.
    300 x Lava stones
    30 x Fire crystals
    334 x Avers
    800.000.000 Adena

    You will receive Bracelet - Small Valakas 7th level.
    [spoiler=Abilities of 7th level]
    Buff for mages: (lvl 6) (lvl 13) (lvl 4) (CD 30m) (CD 2h)
    Buff for fighters: (lvl 6) (lvl 13) (lvl 4) (CD 30m) (CD 2h)
    The player will get 3 Self-buffs in to the active skills:
    - Blessing of Queen (Level 13)
    - Gift of Queen (Level 13)
    - Gift of Seraphim (Level 13)
    At each level your dragon will become more powerful, but even then your pet cannot attack anyone, he can only support you.
    Here's how your pet will look like at each stage:


    Dragon soul 1st level - Can be received from any monster in Lineage II. (Chance: < 100%, item count: 1)
    Dragon soul 2nd level. - Can be received from all Raids in Lineage II. (Chance: 100%, item count: 1)
    Dragon soul 3rd level. - Can be received from killing Antharas or Valakas. (Chance: 100%, item count: 3)
    Fallen Warriors Blood. - Can be received from killing another player in PvP. (Chance: < 100%, Item count: 1)

    Fame boost - Passive skill. Active only when pet is in your inventory and has 4 levels. Each level has increased increases received fame points on 30/40/50/60%.
    UPD 22.09.2016
    - Buffs Blessing of Queen, Gift of Queen, Gift of Seraphim were moved to the pet interface. Now these buffs can be used only when pet is alive and summoned. Buff can be used only on the owner.
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