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About Daishinta

  • Birthday 04/19/1988


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  1. This is the correct answer. You guys need to make an announcement explaining this. Thank you.
  2. I have downloaded everything so many times, deleted my system and run the updater. The game opens with no server selection. How the fuck do I play this?
  3. English speaking, experienced Bladedancer looking for a group, or clan to join. Flexible with timezones, looking to be very active.
  4. Active SWS, just started today, looking for an English speaking clan or CP to join.
  5. I know, but both times I tried it wasn't gaining any exp.
  6. So, I used some coins for a hatchling and it gains 0 exp.
  7. You cannot wear Ears/Horns with a face mask at the moment. They share the same slot when they are not supposed to. I currently have Raccoon Ears and Sayha's White Face Mask and I am supposed to be able to wear them together. Can this be fixed or can I get my tokens back?
  8. He said he'd prefer not to box. Maybe if you actually read.
  9. Just my two cents, Bladedancer and Swordsinger are not something you would want to go solo with. You should be able to get parties just fine if you ask around, since everyone wants one in their group, but without buffs they are hard to solo with later on in the game. A Tyrant on the other hand does quite well without buffs, you could even go a warcryer solo. Use a one handed blunt and light armour (Art of Battle Axe/Blue Wolf Light for example) and you'll be able to self buff and solo quite easily. The thing about Lineage II is later on you're kind of forced into having buffs to get anywhere, but some classes do better than others and some are looked for more than others. For a solo player, you'll have a hard time if you don't box a support. Good luck in whatever choice you make.
  10. You already get newbie guide buffs until 61. That's more than enough hand holding. If you want a more custom server then there are plenty around.
  11. This needs to be a thing, due to always having to google translate posts it messes up my English ones, and I can not edit them to fix it. It would be nice to turn on post editing.
  12. Why did my post get so screwed up? And why can I not edit? "This was a simple thread asking for a reasonable thing and has turned into a pointless hate thread. It should the be closed.
  13. This was a simple thread asking for a reasonable thing and pointless hate thread. It should be closed.
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