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О qeti

  • День рождения 01/15/1995


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qeti's Achievements

  1. qeti

    I'm waiting for the x50 opening on Averia.ws

    1 day is gone :(
  2. qeti

    I'm waiting for the x50 opening on Averia.ws

    1 day is gone ... :(
  3. qeti

    I'm waiting for the x50 opening on Averia.ws

    later? when? 1 hour later, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month? o_Oo_O
  4. qeti

    I'm waiting for the x50 opening on Averia.ws

    Everything in my photo was created and drown by me... besides of averias photo.
  5. qeti

    I'm waiting for the x50 opening on Averia.ws

    I'm not sure, if this picture fits to the contest rules, but i think it's not be bad for illustration When we talk about people who are waiting for opening x50 on Averia.ws, we must talk about demand of this server in society, what's interesting for different number and category of people. Which category do you belong ??
  6. qeti

    I'm waiting for the x50 opening on Averia.ws

    why i cant upload photo? :(:(:(:(
  7. qeti

    I'm waiting for the x50 opening on Averia.ws

    size is 4.8 but i still cant upload it
  8. qeti

    I'm waiting for the x50 opening on Averia.ws

    i can't upload photo :(
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