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О seek

  • День рождения 02/02/1992


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seek's Achievements

  1. seek

    Merge of x50 & x70

    Any news about merge end? )
  2. seek

    changing clothes

    yea, u need 120 aver and then allso 3k avers :]
  3. seek

    Valakas treid

    meh ;x or may u can add the bar where u can decrease valakas level , i decreasi it to 5 lvl trade to fox then move, its solution ? :D
  4. seek

    Valakas treid

    i know that that, but why cant trade it to another acc?:<
  5. seek

    Valakas treid

    If i donate to make valakas brclet to 7 lvl and decide to rerol to another char , may make it tradable or move to chars with avers or smth? it would help alot ppl think? ;x
  6. seek

    Merge of x50 & x70

    So when u end merge?
  7. seek


    oh :D
  8. seek


    May admins planing merge x50 and x70 servers? i think it would be great idea
  9. seek

    PvP tournament [GUIDE]

    I dont getting accept link on my email, tryed 3times alredy, email correct and i checked spam bar, any help?
  10. seek

    PvP tournament [GUIDE]

    registration link?
  11. Skills 15/28 Items: Cutter +8 SA (passive pvp might agum) Icarus hammer +9 earth Dynasty bow+10 great gale Morai H set +6 FA +skin Vesper Found set FA (+6 armor PVP)+skin and etc "От Администрации проекта: Запрещена продажа/покупка игровых ценностей за реальные деньги, сообщите о факте продажи/покупки в личную переписку руководству проекта - продавец/покупатель будет заблокирован, а вы получите бонус"
  12. seek

    WTS Top PALADIN (WTT to mage dagger char)

    Skills 15/28 Items: Cutter +8 SA (passive pvp might agum) Icarus hammer +9 earth Dynasty bow+10 great gale Morai H set +6 FA Vesper Found set FA (+6 armor PVP) and etc "Real Money Trade is forbidden! Report about the fact of such trade to our stuff members with PM. Seller/buyer will be banned and you will get bonus [by Administration of the project]"
  13. seek

    Where i can get full update?

    Hello, i i downloaded full l2 with newest updates of averia, but i still see black items , valakas barclet and etc, what to do to solve it? :<
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