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Изменения репутации

  1. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от molodoy2109 в династия-икар пухи   
    Здравствуйте. Данный вопрос находится на этапе обсуждения
  2. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Discordia в Я жду старта х50 на Averia.ws ^^   
    Дорогие игроки!
    Многие просили устроить творческий конкурс, и конечно же, мы не могли вам отказать :inlove:
    Поэтому встречайте конкурс "Я жду старта x50"
    В этот раз вам придется очень постараться и показать, насколько вы талантливы и креативны!
    Победители будут определяться голосованием, среди 12 лучших работ. Так что, выложитесь по полной:thumbsup:
    К участию принимаются поделки, рисунки, фотографии, песни, в общем все, на что хватит вашей фантазии.
    Обязательным условием является наличие надписи (или фразы)"Я жду старта х50 на Averia.ws", в противном случае, ваша работа не будет допущена к участию.

    Мой пример работы:

    Ну и самое главное - призы:

    1 место - 2 000 Рублей + 500 Авер на Мастер Аккаунт
    2 место - 1 500 Рублей + 300 Авер на Мастер Аккаунт
    3 место - 1 000 Рублей + 200 Авер на Мастер Аккаунт
    4 место - 500 Рублей + 150 Авер на Мастер Аккаунт
    5 место - 250 Рублей + 100 Авер на Мастер Аккаунт

    Все участники получат 40 Авер на форумную учетную запись.
    Конкурс будет завершен 25го мая 2017 в 23:59 МСК.
    Тема для обсуждения работ - http://forum.averia.ws/threads/Обсуждение-конкурса-Я-жду-старта-х50-на-averia-ws.164202/

  3. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Sirinox в С Днем рождения Lady Merry   
    В этот замечательный, солнечный, день свой День рожденья празднует @LadyMerry
    От лица всех членов нашей команды хочу поздравить тебя с этим замечательным праздником и пожелась исполнения всех желаний!
    Всегда смотри на жизнь с позитивом и целеустремленностью. Дари тепло и получай его взамен.
    Пусть друзья всегда придут на помощь, а враги обходят стороной.
    Пускай удача всегда сопутствует тебе на жизненном пути. Всегда оставайся таким же милым и добрым человечком :inlove:

  4. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Wasal в Project updates   
    Dear players. We are working on our project every day, an work is never stopping. We are sincerely grateful to everyone who helps us in testing, searching and correcting mistakes. Open Beta of x50 is launched already, grand oppening of server will be as planned on 26th May. Below you can see list of the most important changes that we have already made, before beta started:
    [*fix] We fixed all the problems with geodata on Olympiad arenas;
    [*fix] We fixed mechanics of attack in PvP. Now there is no endless autoattack after first hit in melee;
    [*fix] We fixed chance of successful pass of the skill Heroic Grandeur;
    [*fix] We fixed chance of successful pass of the skill Heroic Dread;
    [*fix] We fixed chance of triggering of the skill Enchanter Ability - Barrier;
    [*fix] We fixed mechanics of the all Cancel-type skills; Removed condition for canceling 2-5 effects;
    [*fix] We fixed work of the Infinity Spear Cancel-effect. Now it cancels buffs at every crit;
    [*fix] We fixed work of the skill Insane Crusher. The Cancel effect works independently of the successful / not successful passing of the debuff;
    [*fix] We fixed work of the skill Aura Flash. Now the skill correctly adds Hate regarding cast player;
    [*fix] We fixed work of the skill Aura Blast. Now the skill correctly adds Hate regarding cast player;
    [*fix] We fixed work of the skill Aura Cannon. Now the skill correctly adds Hate regarding cast player;
    [*fix] We fixed work of the skill Aura Flash. Now the skill correctly knocks down target/attack/cast of NPC.
    [*fix] We fixed work of the Blue Talisman of Reflection. Now the effect lasts 7 seconds;
    [*fix] We fixed PvP-zone in location Tower of Insolence. Now zone covers the territory on the steps and the platform near the crystal at the doors to Baium;
    [*fix] We fixed PvP-zone in location Forge of the Gods. Now zone covers all room where is located NPC Klein;
    [*fix] We fixed PvP-zone in location Hall of Flames. Now zone covers all location from NPC Klein to NPC Heart of Volcano;
    [*fix] We fixed formula of Vitality. The values of the points and bonuses from Vitality were to official values.
    [*fix] We fixed mechanics of the skill casting end. Now it's offlike;
    [*fix] We fixed geodata in the instance of Freya;
    [*add] We added to the sale - Rune of Feather 30 days (х50);
    [*add] We added to the sale - Rune of EXP 30% 14 days (x50);
    [*add] We added to the sale - eternal Rune of Crystal 3 level (x50);
    [*add] We added to the sale - eternal Rune of Crystal 5 level (x50);
    [*add] We added to the sale - Rune of Drop 25% 7 days (x50).
    [*change] The min and max chances of all debuffs were changed to official High five chronicle's value;
    [*change] We increased the accuracy rate of monsters in the location Lair Of Antharas;
    [*change] From Alt+B buffer from standard buff list were removed: Dance of Alignment, Song of Elemental;
    [*change] Epic jewerly Ring of Core and Earring of Orfen were returned to their previous values;
    [*change] We removed restriction for clan wars amount;
    [*change] We changed work of Mana Potion. Now it restores MP within 12 minutes (100 MP per second). Doesn't take a slot of a buff;
    [*change] Offline-buffer is available now in all locations;;
    [*change] Added prohibition on Alt+B for teleport in/from siege zone;
    [*change] Passive skill Divine Inspiration doesn't learn automatically now;
    [*change] We increased cooldown for the skill Soul of Pain according to official mechanics;
    [*change] We increased cooldown for the skillCurse of Divinity according to official mechanics;
    [*change] We corrected battle characteristics of the Nightshade согласно according to official mechanics;
    [*change] We corrected battle characteristics of the Spectral Lord according to official mechanics;
    [*change] To NPC Dragon Guard, Dragon Mage, Bloody Karik, Bloody Berserker, Bloody Karinness, was added resistance to Polearm-type weapon.
    [*change] We corrected battle characteristics of the Life Control Tower and Flame Control Tower at castle siege. Was increased P.Def and M.Def amount;
    [*change] We corrected battle characteristics of the Headquarters, which clan leaders can set at siege. Was increased P.Def and M.Def amount;
    [*delete] All suits(cosrumes) have been removed from the sale (x50);
    [*delete] All Amulets have been removed from the sale (x50);
    [*delete] Pets, that were removed from the sale: Jonny Catsville, Meowly, Espanto, Minola, Shado, Super Kat the Cat Z, Super Feline Queen Z, Super Mew the Cat Z (x50).
    The above is a list of what has already been fixed and corrected.And now I will show a list of what is currently in progress:

    Fixing attribute protection system;
    Fixing the instance with Freya: adding timer for 2nd stage, changing the radius of the buff from Kegor и Jinia;
    Pet's autoattack (as on PTS);
    Correction of spoil pick-up mechanics (as on PTS).

  5. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию L1th1um в Я жду старта х50 на Averia.ws ^^   
  6. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию Si4 в Я жду старта х50 на Averia.ws ^^   
    Попросил жену придумать стишок называется. :D
    Мой муж задррот,
    Сидит на форуме каком то,
    И тупо смотрит в монитор,
    Он ждет чего-то, очень долго.
    Быстрей,быстрей настал бы день, событие открылось бы скорей.
    Орёт он так весь целый день
    И громко он кричит,
    И просит он, его не трогать.
    Какой-то старт там у него,
    Событие какое-то большое.
    Старт х50 на averia-ws.

  7. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию Undeath в Я жду старта х50 на Averia.ws ^^   
  8. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от fabuLous в Project updates   
    Dear players. We are working on our project every day, an work is never stopping. We are sincerely grateful to everyone who helps us in testing, searching and correcting mistakes. Open Beta of x50 is launched already, grand oppening of server will be as planned on 26th May. Below you can see list of the most important changes that we have already made, before beta started:
    [*fix] We fixed all the problems with geodata on Olympiad arenas;
    [*fix] We fixed mechanics of attack in PvP. Now there is no endless autoattack after first hit in melee;
    [*fix] We fixed chance of successful pass of the skill Heroic Grandeur;
    [*fix] We fixed chance of successful pass of the skill Heroic Dread;
    [*fix] We fixed chance of triggering of the skill Enchanter Ability - Barrier;
    [*fix] We fixed mechanics of the all Cancel-type skills; Removed condition for canceling 2-5 effects;
    [*fix] We fixed work of the Infinity Spear Cancel-effect. Now it cancels buffs at every crit;
    [*fix] We fixed work of the skill Insane Crusher. The Cancel effect works independently of the successful / not successful passing of the debuff;
    [*fix] We fixed work of the skill Aura Flash. Now the skill correctly adds Hate regarding cast player;
    [*fix] We fixed work of the skill Aura Blast. Now the skill correctly adds Hate regarding cast player;
    [*fix] We fixed work of the skill Aura Cannon. Now the skill correctly adds Hate regarding cast player;
    [*fix] We fixed work of the skill Aura Flash. Now the skill correctly knocks down target/attack/cast of NPC.
    [*fix] We fixed work of the Blue Talisman of Reflection. Now the effect lasts 7 seconds;
    [*fix] We fixed PvP-zone in location Tower of Insolence. Now zone covers the territory on the steps and the platform near the crystal at the doors to Baium;
    [*fix] We fixed PvP-zone in location Forge of the Gods. Now zone covers all room where is located NPC Klein;
    [*fix] We fixed PvP-zone in location Hall of Flames. Now zone covers all location from NPC Klein to NPC Heart of Volcano;
    [*fix] We fixed formula of Vitality. The values of the points and bonuses from Vitality were to official values.
    [*fix] We fixed mechanics of the skill casting end. Now it's offlike;
    [*fix] We fixed geodata in the instance of Freya;
    [*add] We added to the sale - Rune of Feather 30 days (х50);
    [*add] We added to the sale - Rune of EXP 30% 14 days (x50);
    [*add] We added to the sale - eternal Rune of Crystal 3 level (x50);
    [*add] We added to the sale - eternal Rune of Crystal 5 level (x50);
    [*add] We added to the sale - Rune of Drop 25% 7 days (x50).
    [*change] The min and max chances of all debuffs were changed to official High five chronicle's value;
    [*change] We increased the accuracy rate of monsters in the location Lair Of Antharas;
    [*change] From Alt+B buffer from standard buff list were removed: Dance of Alignment, Song of Elemental;
    [*change] Epic jewerly Ring of Core and Earring of Orfen were returned to their previous values;
    [*change] We removed restriction for clan wars amount;
    [*change] We changed work of Mana Potion. Now it restores MP within 12 minutes (100 MP per second). Doesn't take a slot of a buff;
    [*change] Offline-buffer is available now in all locations;;
    [*change] Added prohibition on Alt+B for teleport in/from siege zone;
    [*change] Passive skill Divine Inspiration doesn't learn automatically now;
    [*change] We increased cooldown for the skill Soul of Pain according to official mechanics;
    [*change] We increased cooldown for the skillCurse of Divinity according to official mechanics;
    [*change] We corrected battle characteristics of the Nightshade согласно according to official mechanics;
    [*change] We corrected battle characteristics of the Spectral Lord according to official mechanics;
    [*change] To NPC Dragon Guard, Dragon Mage, Bloody Karik, Bloody Berserker, Bloody Karinness, was added resistance to Polearm-type weapon.
    [*change] We corrected battle characteristics of the Life Control Tower and Flame Control Tower at castle siege. Was increased P.Def and M.Def amount;
    [*change] We corrected battle characteristics of the Headquarters, which clan leaders can set at siege. Was increased P.Def and M.Def amount;
    [*delete] All suits(cosrumes) have been removed from the sale (x50);
    [*delete] All Amulets have been removed from the sale (x50);
    [*delete] Pets, that were removed from the sale: Jonny Catsville, Meowly, Espanto, Minola, Shado, Super Kat the Cat Z, Super Feline Queen Z, Super Mew the Cat Z (x50).
    The above is a list of what has already been fixed and corrected.And now I will show a list of what is currently in progress:

    Fixing attribute protection system;
    Fixing the instance with Freya: adding timer for 2nd stage, changing the radius of the buff from Kegor и Jinia;
    Pet's autoattack (as on PTS);
    Correction of spoil pick-up mechanics (as on PTS).

  9. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию Undeath в Настоящий авериец!   
  10. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию SplichO в Team Zone Gaming [TZG]   
    Website: http://teamzone-gaming.com
    Forum: http://teamzone.team-talk.net
    Livestream channel: http://www.twitch.tv/tzgsplicho/
    Recruitment: Open (apply on our forum)
    We are always working the best we can to support all our members in clan, you wont regret if you decide to join us!
    If you are an active player and looking for constant party we are here to help you find a group or create one inside of our community!
    For any additional question on clan matter contact me at TZG forum!
    Some videos from our community:

  11. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от ssMu в Цены в ОБТ и на старте   
    Добрый день. Это еще не окончательный вид магазина. Он дорабатывается

  12. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Jumbo в Averia game files   
    Updatig will be much faster with new updater ;)
  13. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Jumbo в Averia game files   
    It's better to run full check via updater
  14. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Jumbo в Averia game files   
    UPD - 21.06.17
    All patches and full game client on Mega/Google Dive including:

    Full English
    English Map
    English Settings
    New updater

  15. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Jumbo в Averia game files   
    Closer to OBT launch
  16. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Jumbo в Averia game files   
    Hello.Try to change proxy:
    Correct proxy changing:
    1. Write login
    2. Write password
    3. Click Log In
    4. Click Agree
    5. Chose proxy
    6. If not logged in, go to step 7.
    7. Click Cancel
    8. Entered the password
    9. Chose another proxy server, not pressing at the one that was chosen in step 5.
    10. If not logged in, go to step 7.
    If it's doesn't help, add this file to the system_AVERIA_GUARD folder and try again https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2nRpgnm8wLwZ0dTTVc3ZVRyQU0
  17. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Jumbo в Averia game files   
    Hello. You have to use our client. http://forum.averia.ws/threads/update-your-client-via-torrent.137042/
  18. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию Jumbo в Averia game files   
    Hello, also in case you already downloaded file "Localization" it might happen this time that its named "Localization (1)", " Localization (2), make sure you just rename it to " Localization" and then paste it to system folder and overwrite the current file.
  19. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от LadyMerry в С Днем рождения Lady Merry   
    В этот замечательный, солнечный, день свой День рожденья празднует @LadyMerry
    От лица всех членов нашей команды хочу поздравить тебя с этим замечательным праздником и пожелась исполнения всех желаний!
    Всегда смотри на жизнь с позитивом и целеустремленностью. Дари тепло и получай его взамен.
    Пусть друзья всегда придут на помощь, а враги обходят стороной.
    Пускай удача всегда сопутствует тебе на жизненном пути. Всегда оставайся таким же милым и добрым человечком :inlove:

  20. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Idea в Facebook - Share with friends & receive money   
    Hello, folks. I hope, you all ready to the start of
    x50 server! This time we launched the contest "Share with friends & receive money!"
    At first you have to be follower of our Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/Official.Averia/
    Next you have to share this post: https://www.facebook.com/Official.Averia/posts/454736781542363

    [spoiler=How to share post?]
    1. Just follow this URL: https://www.facebook.com/Official.Averia/posts/454736781542363
    Click: "Like" and "follow page">"Like" post>"Share">"Share Post Now (Public)"


    This post should stay on your Timeline until the announcement of the contest results. If you will remove it, then you will be disqualified.
    Once you've done this, you have to post link of your repost here, in this topic. If you want, you can add a screenshot.
    10 lucky winners selected by a random number generator will get 500 Rubles (or 500 Avers on Master account)!
    If You win, please tell me login Your game account before the start of the server.
    All participants will receive 30 Avers on forum account!

    Server description:
    Other pre-launch promotions:

    Event will last until 25 May!
    Good luck to everyone!

  21. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию shiza в Я жду старта х50 на Averia.ws ^^   
  22. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию OIIACHOCTb в Я жду старта х50 на Averia.ws ^^   
    Ждём с детьми старта )). Простенько, но со вкусом ))).

  23. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию NOOBass в Я жду старта х50 на Averia.ws ^^   
    Получилось очень плохо, я далеко не художник, но для 40 форумных авер пойдёт, надеюсь) Рисовал с сайта, пытался, точнее

  24. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию automatic в Летний PvP х50 от проекта Averia.ws   
    Все увидите на ОБТ. Ждем Вас сегодня в 19.00!
  25. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от makemesmile в С Днем рождения Lady Merry   
    В этот замечательный, солнечный, день свой День рожденья празднует @LadyMerry
    От лица всех членов нашей команды хочу поздравить тебя с этим замечательным праздником и пожелась исполнения всех желаний!
    Всегда смотри на жизнь с позитивом и целеустремленностью. Дари тепло и получай его взамен.
    Пусть друзья всегда придут на помощь, а враги обходят стороной.
    Пускай удача всегда сопутствует тебе на жизненном пути. Всегда оставайся таким же милым и добрым человечком :inlove:

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