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Изменения репутации

  1. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от zVenoMz в Герои Августа [ I период ]   
    Поздравляю героев х7!:inlove:
  2. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию automatic в 3000 рублей за геройство!   
    Готово. Создала переписку
  3. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию AdioZ в LT CP Iesko zaideju   
    Daugiau info skype: Klaidas3196
  4. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от kuboyah в Offline buff store (character's special permission ? )   
    Hello. You just have to get 2nd profession. Classes that can sell buffs: elven elder, shillen elder, overlord, prophet, warcryer.
  5. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Jumbo в WTS TOP EXP   
    Hello. Do not forget about section rules
  6. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Jumbo в Spirit Shaman Summoner Bracelet.   
  7. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Adams в Spirit Shaman Summoner Bracelet.   
  8. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию Lorn в Рестар   
    Здравствуйте. Сервер уже работает. Можете заходить в игру.
  9. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от mysteryof в Event - "Change of Heart"   
    How many excellent works and poems written about love? How many songs dedicated to this feeling that's beyond time and distance? It is terrible to imagine, as lovers sometimes able to do beautiful and terrible things. But even more insane they become when trying to return the love. The heart takes the mind under control and we can only hope that the lovers will rediscover each other.
    We offer our players to help in every way just such a pair, which is now experiencing not the best times. Great Magus Ahuron Raulian through faithful helpers trying to regain the recognition of his lover after a terrible quarrel, giving her his heart in a sign of pure and sincere love. Each of you can do your part to reunite these two lovers.
    During the opening event with all the monsters of the game world will knock a heart shard. Collecting 9 different fragments you will need to refer them to one of the Ahuron's assistants that will be waiting for you in the city.
    [spoiler=9 different fragments together, represent a whole heart]
    In gratitude you will be given the opportunity to receive a special award. But because assistants are very cunning creatures, they refuse to give it away for free. In order to obtain the promised prize, you will have to play with them in a simple but very entertaining game - Rock-Scissors-Paper. Pretty simple, but at the same time fascinating and addictive game. Someone may not agree with this, however the more wins you do, then more valuable will be your reward. So be careful and know when to stop, otherwise you can be left with nothing.
    The game rules are very simple. There are three options to select: Stone, Paper or Scissors.

    Stone breaks Scissors
    Scissors cut Paper
    Paper covers Stone

    You and the assistant simultaneously make their choice. And who is stronger and wins.
    As has been said your prize depends on the number of wins made in a row.

    1 Win: 10 Random Potions
    2 Wins: 10 Quick Healing Potions
    3 Wins: 5 Attribute Stones
    4 Wins: 5 Attribute Crystals
    5 Wins: 5 Giant Codex
    6 Wins: 5 Giant Codex - Mastery
    7 Wins: 4 Blessed Scrolls: Enchant Armor (S-grade)
    8 Wins: 1 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-grade)
    9 Wins: 1 Random Suit
    10 Wins: 1 Soul Crystal 16 level

    If you lose, do not particularly upset, because everyone who helps her lover to be together again, will get the reward.

    The event was launched at 05:00 (GMT+3) 07.08.2017 and will last untill 05:00 (GMT+3) 12.08.2017.
  10. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от firealex в па   
    Здравствуйте. Этих предметов не будет в продаже. Они будут выдаваться в качестве бонусов в различных эвентах
  11. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Idea в Event - "Change of Heart"   
    How many excellent works and poems written about love? How many songs dedicated to this feeling that's beyond time and distance? It is terrible to imagine, as lovers sometimes able to do beautiful and terrible things. But even more insane they become when trying to return the love. The heart takes the mind under control and we can only hope that the lovers will rediscover each other.
    We offer our players to help in every way just such a pair, which is now experiencing not the best times. Great Magus Ahuron Raulian through faithful helpers trying to regain the recognition of his lover after a terrible quarrel, giving her his heart in a sign of pure and sincere love. Each of you can do your part to reunite these two lovers.
    During the opening event with all the monsters of the game world will knock a heart shard. Collecting 9 different fragments you will need to refer them to one of the Ahuron's assistants that will be waiting for you in the city.
    [spoiler=9 different fragments together, represent a whole heart]
    In gratitude you will be given the opportunity to receive a special award. But because assistants are very cunning creatures, they refuse to give it away for free. In order to obtain the promised prize, you will have to play with them in a simple but very entertaining game - Rock-Scissors-Paper. Pretty simple, but at the same time fascinating and addictive game. Someone may not agree with this, however the more wins you do, then more valuable will be your reward. So be careful and know when to stop, otherwise you can be left with nothing.
    The game rules are very simple. There are three options to select: Stone, Paper or Scissors.

    Stone breaks Scissors
    Scissors cut Paper
    Paper covers Stone

    You and the assistant simultaneously make their choice. And who is stronger and wins.
    As has been said your prize depends on the number of wins made in a row.

    1 Win: 10 Random Potions
    2 Wins: 10 Quick Healing Potions
    3 Wins: 5 Attribute Stones
    4 Wins: 5 Attribute Crystals
    5 Wins: 5 Giant Codex
    6 Wins: 5 Giant Codex - Mastery
    7 Wins: 4 Blessed Scrolls: Enchant Armor (S-grade)
    8 Wins: 1 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-grade)
    9 Wins: 1 Random Suit
    10 Wins: 1 Soul Crystal 16 level

    If you lose, do not particularly upset, because everyone who helps her lover to be together again, will get the reward.

    The event was launched at 05:00 (GMT+3) 07.08.2017 and will last untill 05:00 (GMT+3) 12.08.2017.
  12. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию Innerly в Плюшки за голосвание   
    выдают уже
  13. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию Lorn в Эвент - "Change of Heart"   
    Сколько прекрасных произведений и стихов написано о любви? Сколько песен посвящается этому чувству, которое неподвластно времени и расстоянию? Страшно даже представлять, поскольку влюбленные порой способны творить как прекрасные, так и ужасные вещи. Но еще более безумными они становятся тогда, когда пытаются вернуть свою любовь. Сердце берет рассудок под свой контроль и остается только надеяться, что влюбленные вновь обретут друг друга.
    Мы предлагаем нашим игрокам помочь всеми силами именно такой паре, которая сейчас переживает не лучшие времена. Великий маг Ахулон Раулиан через верных помощников пытается вернуть признание своей возлюбленной после ужасной ссоры, подарив ей свое сердце в знак чистой и искренней любви. Каждый из вас может сделать свой вклад для воссоединения этих двух влюбленных.
    Во время проведения эвента со всех монстров игрового мира можно будет выбить осколок сердца. Собрав 9 разных осколков вам необходимо будет отнести их одному из помощников Ахулона, которые будут ждать вас в городе.
    [spoiler=9 разных осколков, собранных воедино, представляют из себя целое сердце]
    В знак благодарности вам предоставят возможность получить особую награду. Но поскольку помощники весьма хитрые существа, они откажутся отдать ее за просто так. Для того, чтобы получить обещанный приз, вам придется сыграть с ними в простую, но очень занятную игру - Камень-Ножницы-Бумага. Довольно простая, но в то же время увлекательная и затягивающая игра. Кто-то может не согласиться с этим, однако чем больше побед вы сделаете, тем ценнее будет ваш награда. Поэтому будьте осторожны и сумейте вовремя остановиться, иначе можете остаться ни с чем.
    Правила игры очень просты. Есть три варианта для выбора: Камень, Ножницы или Бумага.

    Камень ломает Ножницы
    Ножницы режут Бумагу
    Бумага накрывает Камень

    Вы и помощник одновременно делаете свой выбор. И чей вариант сильнее, тот и побеждает.
    Как уже было сказано ваш приз зависит от количестве побед, сделанных подряд.

    1 Победа: 10 Случайных Зелий
    2 Победы: 10 Быстродействующих Зелий Исцеления
    3 Победы: 5 Камней Атрибута
    4 Победы: 5 Кристаллов Атрибута
    5 Побед: 5 Кодексов Гиганта
    6 Побед: 5 Кодексов Гиганта - Мастерство
    7 Побед: 4 Благословенных Свитка: Модифицировать Броню (S)
    8 Побед: 1 Благословенный Свиток: Модифицировать Оружие (S)
    9 Побед: 1 Случайный Костюм
    10 Побед: 1 Кристалл Души 16 уровня

    В случае, если вы проиграете, не стоит особо расстраиваться, ведь каждый, кто помогает возлюбленным снова быть вместе, обязательно получит вознаграждение.

    Эвент будет запущен в 05:00 (GMT+3) 07.08.2017 и продлится до 05:00 (GMT+3) 12.08.2017.
  14. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от firealex в Сделай репост - получи ПА   
    Победителями стали авторы постов под номерами:


    Всем участникам написала в ЛС.
    Спасибо за участие:inlove:

  15. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от jKeef в Плюшки за голосвание   
    Уточняю информацию у специалистов. Я должна была уточнить правильность ввода. К сожалению, экстросенсорными способностями я не обладаю:(
  16. Like
    Betty изменил репутацию ClTraL в Global interface update!   
    just run full check updater. thats how she fixed :D
  17. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от iDandelion в Сделай репост - получи ПА   
    Победителями стали авторы постов под номерами:


    Всем участникам написала в ЛС.
    Спасибо за участие:inlove:

  18. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Idea в Averia.ws x7 - Start on August 2017!   
    It's couldn't be a virus. It's just crypted file. You can check this file here https://www.virustotal.com/
    You have to put this file in to the system folder. Be sure that this is Localization.ini, not localization.ini (1) etc
  19. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от umasik в Сделай репост - получи ПА   
    Дорогие игроки! По многочисленным просьбам мы запускаем предстартовую акцию "Сделай репост - получи ПА":thumbsup:
    Репосты делаем с нашей официальной странички, обязательно подписываемся https://vk.com/official_averia
    Репост у вас на стене должен провисеть до объявления результатов акции, если вы удалили его раньше - вы выбываете.

    [spoiler=Как сделать репост?]Чтобы сделать репост, нужно найти внизу поста вот такой знак . Нажимаем его и на мониторе появляется вот такое окно:


    В данную тему необходимо обязательно скинуть ссылку на свой репост. Скриншот по желанию.
    Ссылка на запись, которую необходимо репостнуть: https://vk.com/wall401336849_221
    Внимание! Акция продлится до 4го Августа, времени у вас не много, торопитесь! В день старта будут оглашены результаты акции так, что, следите за новостями на форуме! Если вы выиграли в акции будьте готовы до старта сервера указать в ЛС мне свой игровой аккаунт для начисления ПА! Чтобы потом не было миллион тем с вопросами "Админ, уже старт где мое ПА?!"
    Все участники акции получат по 30 авер на форумную учетную запись, а 7 победителей, которых выберет генератор случайных чисел получат ПА на 2 недели на любом из наших серверов.
    Для тех, у кого проблемы с доступом к ВК может участвовать в акции в фейсбуке, но предупреждаю, для определения победителей темы будут обьеденены и шансы будут равные у всех:sneaky:

    Описание х7:

    Всем удачи!

    Флуд будет удаляться.

  20. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Alstra в Ищу нубо пак:D   
  21. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Idea в Event "Hunters Guild"   
    If you count how many monsters each character kills during its existence on the server, you might get scared by those numbers. But this is the feature of this game: If you want to live, you must kill.

    To increase level of their characters, players almost got to kill thousands of monsters every day in the game world. Often such pastime brings a special joy, but rather the opposite, maybe even to oppress, because we have to do this, because it is necessary.
    But why not combine the pleasant with the useful? That's why we decided to start an event on our project "Hunters Guild" in order to encourage players to burn lion's share of his playing time on the total destruction of all life in the world of Lineage 2.
    The task of the event is quite simple and should be familiar to many. The player who reached the 76th level, may take the order from the Guild for killing certain types of monsters. After completing the task, the player receives the corresponding award.

    Now a little more about everything and in order.
    Every player is automatically a member of the Hunters Guild. However, to begin performing tasks, it is necessary, as already mentioned to be 76th level.
    In order to get tasks, player must use the command .gettask, selecting the target of that monster, which he is willing to take an order from the Guild. With the active task this command displays information about the purpose of the order which is necessary to accomplish the killings.You can take an order only for killing normal monsters. That is, you cannot use this command on Raid Bosses, minions of Bosses, quest monsters, other players and other objects in the game that are not monsters. You also cannot take the task to kill the monsters whose level is below the level of the character by 5.
    If the player wishes to abort the task execution it is necessary to use the chat-command .declinetask, which will cancel the current order.
    The command .hglevel will allow the player to obtain information about the total number of completed and failed tasks, as well as their current level of trust in the Guild:

    The level of trust increases as you complete tasks the Hunters Guild. The more tasks player performed and the less tasks he failed, the quicker the level will rise. If the Guild determines that the player too often give up on assignments, the level of trust may fall. So I advise to think, whether to take the order of the selected monster, if you are sure that you will be able to fulfill it. The max trust level is 10.
    As a reward for the quest the player will receive Dragon Claw. The amount of Claws depends on the number of completed and failed tasks, from the level of the monster and the level of the player, and the level of confidence of the player in the Guild. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to increase it as soon as possible to get more rewards.
    Received Claws can be used to get Prestige points (1 Claw = 300points. As well as members of the Guild will be able to get a unique costume and hat of the Hunter, which will be sold only for the Dragon Claws.
    [ATTACH=full]109808[/ATTACH] Hunter's Suit - 100 Dragon Claws
    [ATTACH=full]109809[/ATTACH] Hunter's Hat - 25 Dragon Claws
    [spoiler=Appearance of Hunter's hat and suit]
    04.08 event will be launched at 05:00 after a morning restart will be conducted on an ongoing basis. Good luck, Hunters!
  22. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Yson в Event "Hunters Guild"   
    If you count how many monsters each character kills during its existence on the server, you might get scared by those numbers. But this is the feature of this game: If you want to live, you must kill.

    To increase level of their characters, players almost got to kill thousands of monsters every day in the game world. Often such pastime brings a special joy, but rather the opposite, maybe even to oppress, because we have to do this, because it is necessary.
    But why not combine the pleasant with the useful? That's why we decided to start an event on our project "Hunters Guild" in order to encourage players to burn lion's share of his playing time on the total destruction of all life in the world of Lineage 2.
    The task of the event is quite simple and should be familiar to many. The player who reached the 76th level, may take the order from the Guild for killing certain types of monsters. After completing the task, the player receives the corresponding award.

    Now a little more about everything and in order.
    Every player is automatically a member of the Hunters Guild. However, to begin performing tasks, it is necessary, as already mentioned to be 76th level.
    In order to get tasks, player must use the command .gettask, selecting the target of that monster, which he is willing to take an order from the Guild. With the active task this command displays information about the purpose of the order which is necessary to accomplish the killings.You can take an order only for killing normal monsters. That is, you cannot use this command on Raid Bosses, minions of Bosses, quest monsters, other players and other objects in the game that are not monsters. You also cannot take the task to kill the monsters whose level is below the level of the character by 5.
    If the player wishes to abort the task execution it is necessary to use the chat-command .declinetask, which will cancel the current order.
    The command .hglevel will allow the player to obtain information about the total number of completed and failed tasks, as well as their current level of trust in the Guild:

    The level of trust increases as you complete tasks the Hunters Guild. The more tasks player performed and the less tasks he failed, the quicker the level will rise. If the Guild determines that the player too often give up on assignments, the level of trust may fall. So I advise to think, whether to take the order of the selected monster, if you are sure that you will be able to fulfill it. The max trust level is 10.
    As a reward for the quest the player will receive Dragon Claw. The amount of Claws depends on the number of completed and failed tasks, from the level of the monster and the level of the player, and the level of confidence of the player in the Guild. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to increase it as soon as possible to get more rewards.
    Received Claws can be used to get Prestige points (1 Claw = 300points. As well as members of the Guild will be able to get a unique costume and hat of the Hunter, which will be sold only for the Dragon Claws.
    [ATTACH=full]109808[/ATTACH] Hunter's Suit - 100 Dragon Claws
    [ATTACH=full]109809[/ATTACH] Hunter's Hat - 25 Dragon Claws
    [spoiler=Appearance of Hunter's hat and suit]
    04.08 event will be launched at 05:00 after a morning restart will be conducted on an ongoing basis. Good luck, Hunters!
  23. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Jumbo в Share with friends & receive Premium Account   
    Winners' post numbers:


    I PMed to all. Be sure to answer me before the start:p

  24. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Jumbo в Сделай репост - получи ПА   
    Победителями стали авторы постов под номерами:


    Всем участникам написала в ЛС.
    Спасибо за участие:inlove:

  25. Like
    Betty получил репутацию от Idea в Сделай репост - получи ПА   
    Победителями стали авторы постов под номерами:


    Всем участникам написала в ЛС.
    Спасибо за участие:inlove:

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