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О Noxious

  • День рождения 04/17/1993


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Noxious's Achievements

  1. привет мой друг. у нас есть софт для выгула собак как ты
  2. Noxious

    Open beta test Interlude Final X25 - 23 July!

    can u fix olympiad ? u said it was gonna be 24/7 on but its off
  3. Noxious


    i am a toy player too can i join this toy group?
  4. Noxious

    Interlude Final x25 - 03 August!

    with 300 mana / 10 sec u cant rely only on mana potions confirmed. if it was 1000 maybe but its interlude and not hi5 in hi5 mid rates they dont use elders bcz bishops have sublime to restore full mp to whole party also for supports bd/sws/wc are essential because of the cancel skills/noize skills and also 3rd proffesion buffs its the same as l2 realm where u had to use every class
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