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О arthoryos

  • День рождения 10/24/1991


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arthoryos's Achievements

  1. arthoryos

    Renaissance [Brazilian Clan - Recruit Open]

    Usam TS ou Discord??
  2. arthoryos

    Black Friday - top sale night

    The E-coins have discount? how discount have to buy ecoins?
  3. Hi guys.. anyone have the same System of video.
  4. arthoryos

    Custom "L2Classic" Damage Text Patch

    Like This https://uploaddeimagens.com.br/imagens/damage_text-jpg
  5. arthoryos

    4th bar?

    Plz .. enviar o link de novo .. este link
  6. Hello guys.. I Come INNOVA l2Classic there was an option to later add damage text on the screen someone here would have a custom patch similar to there?
  7. arthoryos

    Pós tugas ! PT/PT

    Boa Sou brasileiro.. gostaria de saber se você já encontrou outros Brasileiros ou Portugas por aqui?
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