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О AntiHero

  • День рождения 09/13/1993


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AntiHero's Achievements

  1. AntiHero

    LF Fighter CP - Ghost Hunter

    Hello there. I've been playing Line][age for more than 10 years. Im playing as Dagger in this server, Ghost hunter as I said. I have Dynasty foundation set and weapon. Im looking for a competent CP and players. Answer me as soon as possible. Thanks :)
  2. AntiHero

    My client doesn't work

    Okk, thank you
  3. AntiHero

    My client doesn't work

    I've already reinstalled the client and patch thrice (with the antivirus desactivated. Even with the folder exceptions) and I can't run the game. Can you help me? I would like to fix it before the server starts haha
  4. AntiHero

    Looking for CP / Clan

    Hi there. I'm looking for a strong cp or clan. I've played this game for +9 years. I love daggers and duelists. I can use ventrilo, ts3, raidcall or whatever its needed. Im from Spain. I have a nice english level. Waiting for your answer. Thank you :)
  5. AntiHero

    CP Española recluta

    Soy Treasure Hunter lvl 54. 8 años de experiencia. Theca leather set y arma B. AntiHero in-game
  6. AntiHero

    Future Strikes Back

    Still waiting for an answer from you in Skype about joinning you... lel
  7. AntiHero

    Looking for a CP | Clan

    Hi there. I'm a spanish guy. I have been playing Line][age for over 8 years. I can play whatever It's needed, but what I really love is playing daggers. I'm most experienced in High Five or mid-rates server. But I would like to try these ones. I can speak english perfectly. I can also use TeamSpeak, Raidcall, etc. Thanks
  8. AntiHero

    Skilled dagguer looking for CP

    I have been playing Line][ for 7 - 8 years. Most of the servers were PvP. But I have also played retail and low servers. I really like daggers. Whatever. TH GH or WR. I can play another role if it's needed. I'm from Spain. I have a decent level of english. Add me in Skype: macadam68
  9. AntiHero


    I added you in Skype
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