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О vollex

  • День рождения 11/09/1991


  • Профессия
    Arcana Lord
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vollex's Achievements

  1. Not Coen was transferred. i add my old acc in my new MA. but still nothing my mail .. : [email protected] OBT hero SoulTaker XeRxInS
  2. I did not have a problem with the previous server at x100 .Yesterday I normally managed to connect to the server, but after the update it has arisen this problem.
  3. install all of them download client averia.ws web sait but still this problem and cannt solve
  4. cannt start msvcp120.dll instal dev c++ but still error can y ask me somthing to solve this problem
  5. vollex

    [MGM Team] aloo alooo

    Бог благословит вас, удачи :-)
  6. vollex

    PvP server x30 by Averia.ws - Start on 21st October 2016!

    what is 3 prof quest reward?
  7. vollex


    Gl up frm
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