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О Varokh

  • День рождения 10/21/1994


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Varokh's Achievements

  1. Varokh

    Questions. /x55/

    Thank you.
  2. Varokh

    Questions. /x55/

    I didn't understand a word you said.
  3. Varokh

    Questions. /x55/

    Hello. Unfortunately I couldn't find any answers for the questions that I'm about to ask. First of all, will there be more events in the future? Team VS Team has zero interest because of both, long wait and pitiful prize. Soon I will be getting cosmetic clothing for my character, yet I also would like to attend Olympics. So, my question is, if you attach your clothes into your armor, will you be able to go to the Olympiad games wearing it? Or is it prohibited from Olympics at all? Forgive me if you have already answered that somewhere around the forum. Thank you.
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