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О sashko96

  • День рождения 06/23/1996


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  1. sashko96

    Questions. /x55/

    With normal client i log into the game. But now the problems is the black map ;s and item's pictures are black too.
  2. sashko96

    Questions. /x55/

    Cant open it. got 2 errors. Now im trying with normal game client and ill share the result. Thnx btw.
  3. sashko96

    Questions. /x55/

    Hey. I got problems with log in in game :( When i log into my acc i agree the terms of use then choose any server and cant log in. I tried all of them x7 x50 x100 but nothing. It stays like i didnt click CONFIRM button. HELP :! I got your server client manually updated and full cheked 50times :D
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