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О iHeineken

  • День рождения 05/30/1995


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  1. iHeineken

    New drama

    Ahh the lineage 2 community :)) they dont know that they are being played right now , are we sure that the server files are off or java? Are we sure this aint some pack from the internet with a looot of bugs :)) shit if you go check l2 toxic bugs from 2 - 3 years ago I'm 100% they work here as well and guess what those guys worked and solved bugs for more than 5 years do you really think these guys from e global will solve them all in 2 days? Also it may be another scam since they got the money from donations now the admins is clearly thinking siting on your money drinking champagne on a nice beach with 2 blonde bitches responding on forum from his phone and trying to get rid of you all right now , its like in the good old days :)) exactly what they promise =)).. reason why private servers are not a good choice and we should allways stick with official !
  2. iHeineken

    New drama

    They cant track it anymore mate , what has been done its been done ... and the point is some players will have a super advantage their best now is to wait , and the best for admin is to look carefull not now but in 1 - 2 days the items will pop on players and after they can tell if it's farmed or exploited...
  3. iHeineken

    Epidemic back on September.

    Frankie :) u still got space ? send me that bloody team speak mate !
  4. iHeineken

    Epidemic back on September.

    Epideeeeeemiiiiiicccccccccccccccccc !!!!!!!!!!!! frankie stop hunting pokemons and answer me on facebook :D
  5. Its the only way they make some money ... people will donate for the Premium and also buyng top B grade at start will give a huge advantage for those who have the money...
  6. I'm having some doubts about joining becouse last time we goed full 24/7 and we were on top but , corruption is here and we all know it and becouse we were just 2 good you banned my party and the russians took advantage of the 2 days we were off game , not to mention the pay to get unbaned if you are too good for the casuals..
  7. iHeineken

    Epidemic back on September.

    Ohh yes :) best dancer EU is back in game :D Hope admin wont ban us again for beeing too good.
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