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О sTeeLhamMeR

  • День рождения 07/03/1992


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sTeeLhamMeR's Achievements

  1. sTeeLhamMeR

    lf 1 active player

    up need bishopski for cpartyski we will feed you, we will love you KappaPride
  2. sTeeLhamMeR

    LF Sorc/SS

    Last slot International CP ENGLISH SPEAKING Sorc or SS 7 hours prime in the evening CET! if possible even more. Respond HERE.
  3. sTeeLhamMeR

    LF BD

    are your english skills good? what pc do u have?
  4. sTeeLhamMeR

    LF BD

    Looking for BD, LAST SLOT, prime 24/7 first 1-3 days after that 5-6h CET in the evening ENGLISH speaking international CP, gonna have a big clan so fun, gvgs, dragons is guaranteed! answer here or in skype : quelly3792
  5. sTeeLhamMeR


    Нам нужен бд или свс, последний слот в интернациональный пак!! онлайн по началу очень большой. мы состоим в большом клане такчто фан, гвг, драконы будут! нужно знать английский We're looking for a bd or sws, last slot into an international CP!! first few days online gotta be non-stop, we're in a big clan so fun, gvg, and dragons are a MUST! skype : quelly3792
  6. Мы активная интернациональная ЦП и мы ищем русскую ЦП с хорошим онлайном. ОБЕЗАТЕЛьНО чтобы имели одного человека который могбы говорить по английски. скайп: quelly3792
  7. sTeeLhamMeR


  8. sTeeLhamMeR


    any programs referring to the microphone, speaking programs, like teamspeak and so on.... grow up please
  9. sTeeLhamMeR


    Hello, I'm looking for a decent CP, I've been playing Lineage since C4. Living currently in Germany so I'm in the CET zone. I'd like to play as a DD or Tank, I'm at my best behind a Sorc, Necro, SK, DA. I could play any class pretty decent tho, except bards and healers (cuz they're not so exciting for me). I'd also accept invitations to half-partys with just 3-5 members. Have a micro, any programs are not a problem. Looking forward to your offers, reply here.
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