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О ChloeGMoretz

  • День рождения 12 мая


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  1. ChloeGMoretz

    Dear Admin, Explain you, please.

    you are jailed fairly, so stfu and enjoy ur ban. You should not have used any of illegal soft, for whom the fuck there is an announcement almost every hour? you were not supposed to use that but you did, so enjoy it. I hope all bots like you will be jailed permanently.
  2. ChloeGMoretz

    Queen Ant..

    thanks =)
  3. а какой смысл мешать кому-то зарабатывать ?тебе это доставляет моральное удовольствие ?
  4. ChloeGMoretz


    в маг кп нужен сх или сорк,ее и бишь 70+: скайп Fear4iter или в игре СhloeGraceMoretz
  5. ChloeGMoretz

    Queen Ant..

    there is a problem in ant nest-guard ants are not to cross the river, but still we observe this: So it would be nice to fix this problem...it is your 3rd server and you failed to fix it before the opening..
  6. ChloeGMoretz


    В маг кп нужен бишь 56+ с онлайном 8+, пм ChloeGraceMoretz и ли скайп Fear4tier
  7. пробуй от имени админа\в режиме совестимости\почисти реестр
  8. ChloeGMoretz


    стыд )))я такого еще не видел за 9 лет игры ))
  9. ChloeGMoretz

    LF EE

    в маг кп нужен топ EE 58+, пм в игре ChloeGraceMoretz или скайп Fear4iter
  10. ChloeGMoretz

    ADM"s grammar

    you almost hurt me, but failed\ Such people like you will never understand that.
  11. ChloeGMoretz

    ADM"s grammar

    ye, I see, ignorant people will support ignorance for sure. You had better face the music, kid
  12. ChloeGMoretz

    ADM"s grammar

    so, you think that dumb adms is a good thing for the future of the server?I feel sorry about you, you cant even stick to the point and talk about "Russian" language...How the fuck does it relevant in this topic?
  13. ChloeGMoretz

    1 вопрос

    такой идиотизм, когда админы сами на знают английского и заставляют все ком"юнити на англ писать... ап
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