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Изменения репутации

  1. Like
    NoDamageFun получил репутацию от Lubosekk в Fariy Princess   
    delete forever farly princeshit.
  2. Like
    NoDamageFun получил репутацию от Falka в Fariy Princess   
    delete forever farly princeshit.
  3. Like
    NoDamageFun изменил репутацию Falka в vol 2 of OP pet's   
    My cp won't play on this server if faires will be available
  4. Like
    NoDamageFun получил репутацию от SvRaven в Fariy Princess   
    remove Fariy Princess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Like
    NoDamageFun изменил репутацию Vae в Fariy Princess   
    Remove this bull***t fairy princess...
  6. Like
    NoDamageFun изменил репутацию kwolf в Fariy Princess   
    if it was h5 server no one would mind about it, because in h5 mana management is much easier and melee dd are not falling that much early compared to GF. In GF however mages have huge advantage over other classes early on and adding no xp consuming pet will increase the gap even more.
    If admins don't remove pets it will show 1 thing, they are scared of other GF project and wants make fast money instead having sustained lon living GF project. It understandable, but for the god sake, current donation list is already on the edge to p2w.. And with pets it would be completely p2w.
  7. Like
    NoDamageFun изменил репутацию Storhamar в Fariy Princess   
    Well, that improved pets on start is really stupid idea. This server goin to be like pvp server. If u want to get some cash and give us some fun, stable server, think about it, coz max for 1 month most of players will search for another one with that boost.
  8. Like
    NoDamageFun изменил репутацию forz в Fariy Princess   
    u're an idiot, im'm not EU and i understand that items which not belong to this chronicles dont need here
  9. Like
    NoDamageFun изменил репутацию Smyku в Fariy Princess   
    Remove Fairy Princess!!
  10. Like
    NoDamageFun изменил репутацию Najt в Fariy Princess   
    Fairy Princess = p2w serwer
  11. Like
    NoDamageFun получил репутацию от kwolf в Fariy Princess   
    remove Fariy Princess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Like
    NoDamageFun получил репутацию от Smyku в Fariy Princess   
    remove Fariy Princess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Like
    NoDamageFun изменил репутацию Mircin в Fariy Princess   
    REMOVE Fariy Princess
  14. Like
    NoDamageFun получил репутацию от Mircin в Fariy Princess   
    remove Fariy Princess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Like
    NoDamageFun изменил репутацию Skyler1 в Dealers CP Polish lf....   
    DD - Skillu/Vae
    DD - Blejdy/Seph
    DD - Cover/Storhamar
    DD - Skyler/Najt
    BD - Finny/Slayer
    SwS - Biezun/T4keno
    EE - Dalton/Smyku
    WC - Meshan/Czortt
    BP - Mircin
    Driver :
    Obecnie 25+ osób w CP, nadal poszukiwani driverzy, ewentualnie znajome* osoby do Main Party (poszukiwany tank)
    *- ktoś z 17 osób za Ciebie poręczy
    Więcej informacji na TS (pm).
  16. Like
    NoDamageFun изменил репутацию Matczyk в SWS lf Eng/PL cp   
    Like in topic, pm
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