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О Sprintex

  • День рождения 07/29/1996


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  • Skype

Sprintex's Achievements

  1. Sprintex

    LF CP (en/lt)

    Yeah add me on skype :) ID : daomne (Sprintex as shown name) from quebec canada and has puppy avatar.
  2. Sprintex

    Our photos

    Now they should work, although im not sure how to make them show directly or put a spoiler button and then when you click it shows photo..........Guess im not too used to forums XD
  3. Sprintex

    Our photos

    Vlad,20,Romania ( Currently living in Canada ) [spoiler=#1] [spoiler=#2]
  4. Sprintex

    Let’s go on x30 together!

    Here is photo:
  5. Sprintex


    Oh okay, Thank you
  6. Sprintex


    How do you PM someone here? i clicked on your profile and could not find anything to like start a conversation or send messages :O . Am i missing something?
  7. Sprintex

    Grand Khavatari Olympiad Movie

    My bad, i was adressing that to BusinessMan. I wrote to both of u in the same phrase :D
  8. Sprintex

    Grand Khavatari Olympiad Movie

    Thats your opinion, and i doubt u see nowadays oly videos with losses. If there's someone trying to make a movie in orders to watch and u didnt like something that doesnt matter to me. Everyone with his own opinions. If you hate so much a video dont write about it. Make ur own.
  9. Hey all!, here is my olympiad GK movie Enjoy! :p P.S First time video edit!!
  10. Sprintex

    Shillien Saint

    Added on skype.
  11. Sprintex

    I will be here

    Hello, my main will be GK, but i can play a secondary class for the needs of our CP (if you want to make one toghether)
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