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О IntoFlame

  • День рождения 11/14/1990


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  1. IntoFlame

    [Guide] H5 Duelist

    Thanks Jumbo :)
  2. IntoFlame

    [Guide] H5 Duelist

    as i wrote i am open to other opinions i might do not know or i meant it is not useful for this class, and i mention that i am not a "Pro" Duelist feel free to share your opinion with us and i am open to suggestions
  3. This is my personal guide about duelists in H5 First of all you have to understand the differences of the L2 platform L2Java & L2Off. briefly, java doesn't even reach the 50% of the performance of l2off servers why? i'm not going to get in details because it's not a developing guide, one thing's for sure Java sucks and if you really care about the potential of the class that you are playing and im talking about duelist the you have to consider the choice of the l2server you are going to play or you are playing. But let's get into the guide, shall we? Armor choosing: First choice always comes the Vesper Noble Heavy that gives: +2 STR / -2 DEX - this is what we need. plus the 540 HP and root/sleep resist by 70%. A 1% to the mage def and 4 accuracy. Plus, it gives 5.57% to attack and defense - and that some times is better than Moirai, which prevents DEF, but also cuts our con. Second option is Elegia: For many is not a good idea but i can say it can be suitable at times it might cut our con -2 but it comes with +550HP which is equals with about +1 con but an other goodie is the +3STR 1 thing to mention forget about Vorpal it's not for us i've seen around Duelists with Vorpal & i never understood why besides the big amount of HP and Def but just because of the -2STR i stop here. Other items: 1. STRIPED MITHRIL SHIRT +744 CP 2. TOP-GRADE BELT [ PVP SKILL ATTACK ] Very important component of acceleration at maximum damage. Choosing of dyes: Cut your Dex, go for +5 STR -5 DEX & +4CON -4 DEX So we have in total -9 DEX, Most of the people have the idea of: but the more DEX i have the more damage i'm going to deal just because of the faster skill casting? NO! Skill Combo: Always keep forces maximized A good Combo to start a fight is: 1. Sonic Blaster + Sonic Storm & rush in when in long range 2. Triple Sonic Slash+Double Sonic Slash when face2face Keep always in mind to keep your forces to the max in order to complete a nice combo w/o losing DPS An other combo that i often use is: Sonic Blaster, 2 force to maximize again Sonic Storm Rush in Sonic Buster + Triple Sonic Slash + Double Sonic Slash + Triple Slash that left you with 1 force just use Maximum Sonic Focus and repeat the close range Combo In my personal experience only Tanks and very skilled daggers can avoid this combo Avoid 1v1 fights with Tanks it is almost impossible to kill in 1v1. An other big threat are daggers, experienced players can kill you 100% while medium players can just annoy you if you play smart, regular players that will just try to find a position to backstab you will just die trying while you are smashing the small amount of p.def and CON that they have. The reason that an experienced dagger can kill you is the losing of target and the skill canceling while you think you were close to kill them you just managed to decrease a small amount of CP (Feelsbadman). So, that's it for now i will update it at times if you have any question feel free to ask and i'm open to oter opinions i am not a "Pro" i'm always willing to learn from others too in order to improve more
  4. IntoFlame

    Ελληνική Clan ή CP?

    Eimai tank/sos eimai mesa gia cp/clan an einai pm edw h ingame IntoFlame
  5. IntoFlame

    sos lf cp

    tank sos lf cp pm here or ingame IntoFlame
  6. IntoFlame

    H5 Duelist Guide

    This is my personal guide about duelists in H5 First of all you have to understand the differences of the L2 platform L2Java & L2Off. briefly, java doesn't even reach the 50% of the performance of l2off servers why? i'm not going to get in details because it's not a developing guide, one thing's for sure Java sucks and if you really care about the potential of the class that you are playing and im talking about duelist the you have to consider the choice of the l2server you are going to play or you are playing. But let's get into the guide, shall we? Armor choosing: First choice always comes the Vesper Noble Heavy that gives: +2 STR / -2 DEX - this is what we need. plus the 540 HP and root/sleep resist by 70%. A 1% to the mage def and 4 accuracy. Plus, it gives 5.57% to attack and defense - and that some times is better than Moirai, which prevents DEF, but also cuts our con. Second option is Elegia: For many is not a good idea but i can say it can be suitable at times it might cut our con -2 but it comes with +550HP which is equals with about +1 con but an other goodie is the +3STR 1 thing to mention forget about Vorpal it's not for us i've seen around Duelists with Vorpal & i never understand why besides the big amount of HP and Def but just because of the -2STR i stop here. Other items: 1. STRIPED MITHRIL SHIRT +744 CP 2. TOP-GRADE BELT [ PVP SKILL ATTACK ] Very important component of acceleration at maximum damage. Choosing of dyes: Cut your Dex, go for +5 STR -5 DEX & +4CON -4 DEX So we have in total -9 DEX, Most of the people have the idea of the more DEX i have the more damage i'm going to deal just because of the faster skill casting. Skill Combo: Always keep forces maximized A good Combo to start a fight is: 1. Sonic Blaster + Sonic Storm & rush in when in long range 2. Triple Sonic Slash+Double Sonic Slash when face2face Keep always in mind to keep your forces to the max in order to complete a nice combo w/o losing DPS An other combo that i often use is: Sonic Blaster, 2 force to maximize again Sonic Storm Rush in Sonic Buster + Triple Sonic Slash + Double Sonic Slash + Triple Slash that left you with 1 force just use Maximum Sonic Focus and repeat the close range Combo In my personal experience only Tanks and very skilled daggers can avoid this combo Avoid 1v1 fights with Tanks it is almost impossible to kill in 1v1. An other big threat are daggers, experienced players can kill you 100% while medium players can just annoy you if you play smart, regular players that will just try to find a position to backstab you will just die trying while you are smashing the small amount of p.def and CON that they have. The reason that an experienced dagger can kill you is the losing of target and the skill canceling while you think you were close to kill them you just managed to decrease a small amount of CP (Feelsbadman). So, that's it for now i will update it at times if you have any question feel free to ask and i'm open to oter opinions i am not a "Pro" i'm always willing to learn from others too in order to improve more
  7. IntoFlame

    Donate list ?

    Open the cabinet and hit E-store or visit the npc in all towns
  8. looking forward for a great experience
  9. Hello everybody it's been a while since the last time i had the opportunity to stream and i think it is time to have some fun with streaming the eglobal server. a few things about me i've been around as a player in the lineage world for around 12+ years, the name(s) that my friends or followers knows me are either BackStaBBerGG (Yes i was playing adventure :P) this name follows me since chronicle 4 at l2 e-global but i wasn't someone "famous" and i never liked to drag to much attention, usually i keep low profile in the servers i've played and i'm just having fun. And an other name is IntoFlame since i started playing h5 servers over the past 1.5 year mostly Duelist which i like and i found pretty comfortable to play with, easy to learn but hard to masteries it i might do a guide sometime for the very beginners This is my channel on twitch: And my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/backstabberggL2/
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