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О x3ReMe

  • День рождения 08/31/1994


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  1. x3ReMe

    Suggestion about Epic Raids

    So does that mean,that you are NOT planning on doing anything with epics on this server,just because you will rework them anyway on the next server?
  2. x3ReMe

    Suggestion about Epic Raids

    Great :)
  3. x3ReMe

    Suggestion about Epic Raids

    Hello.Epic Raids are quite fun,but it feels like they are not fair for everyone who kill the raid.Right now the drop from the raids goes only to the one(or the party) who dealt the most dmg,and i think this is something totally unfair.Entire faction trying to kill the epic raid just so one person(or one party) gets the drop.SO i'm suggestion couple of things,to make Epic Raids more worth for all people who tries to kill them #1.Split the drops.Drops are picked by everyone who killed the raid (from that faction who killed it ofc).Drops fall in different positions of the boss. Split the drops - for ex: I've noticed that epic raid drop couple of times adena (5x500 or something like this,can't remember exactly).This idea is to split the adena in small portions,so more people would have chance to pick some adena 5x500 = 2500 adena from drop SPLIT - 25x100 = 2500 adena,but will be 25 pieces,so more people would be able to pick them. Drops are picked by everyone who killed the raid. - No need big explain here,just everyone who are from the faction,who killed the raid boss,can get their hands on the drop. Drops fall in different positions of the boss. - The drop doesn't fall only under the raid,but also falls in entire area around the boss.This will make range champions also to have good chance of picking something as well,and will refrain one person to pick much drop,just because he is under the raid(unfair for the rest). #2. The drops remain the same.Everyone who is from the faction who killed the epic raid (and is in the epic raid zone dead or alive) gets a chest as reward.From this chest people can get couple of stuffs (by your decision).Could be something like: 1.Random adena between 50 and 250 2.Random scroll of enchant of each grade.Of course the bigger the grade,the less chance: -Enchant C grade - 80% chance -Enchant B grade - 50% chance -Enchant A grade - 30% chance -Enchant S grade - 10% chance Note:Can get more than one time enchant (like c+b grade but no luck for the rest.Or even some lucky people can get c+b+a+s grade enchants from 1 box.).Only normal enchants. 3.Materials or box with materials And whatever you want.One chest can give couple of stuffs. The purpose of those suggestions is to make the fight for epic raids more worth it. Have a nice day.
  4. x3ReMe

    Next target and.... [ENG]

    Hi.After seeing your reply i went inside and tested "next target" and no,its not working properly. YES next target should target monsters if there are no players around,this is completely normal and its working fine.But i'm not talking about this. In order to fully understand my report about "next target" ,just go inside a town and click "target next" action.You will see that the action targets npc's (such as buffer,gatekeeper etc) and this is the bug.When going to siege"target next" targets also the npc who teleports ppl in and out of the gate(????).When trying to take a flag "target next" targets the gatekeeper and the buffer if you are close enough. Bonus to "target next" problem - when inside event(tvt,ctf) "next target" targets people from the other faction even tho that they are currently in your team.And this makes the use of "next target" complete useless inside events,because it targets the people from your own team.
  5. x3ReMe

    Next target and.... [ENG]

    All good now,tnx.Waiting for "next target"
  6. x3ReMe

    Next target and.... [ENG]

    1.Thanks 2.Most of the bugs were fixed after what you proposed (tnx),but sometimes when teleporting to giants cave (to teleport placed by player),the character falls under the map. 3.I will not enter in debate for this xax.Its OK,its NP. Have a nice day.
  7. x3ReMe

    Next target and.... [ENG]

    Hello. The action "target next" seems to be not working properly.It targets also npc's which is totally incorrect.Its not fun when next target,targets the gatekeeper or the buffer or any non-killable npc.
  8. x3ReMe

    Next target and.... [ENG]

    Hello. I found a problem with next target action. Next target action targets NPC's ,which is quite annoying and bugged(usually next target should NOT target npc's).Also i don't know ,those mobs without name's who walk in some areas,are they considered as monsters or NPC's?If they are considered as NPC's,next target should not be able to target them. Geodata kinda sux :D Note:Yesterday(25.01) some GM spawned one party from water faction in town of oren warehouse WHICH WAS NOT FUN AT ALL TO GIVE SUCH KIND OF ADVANTAGE TO SOME STUPID DONATORS!!!!! Have a nice day.
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