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О Swxas

  • День рождения 07/01/1993


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  1. Swxas


    nah why should i pay money smuglers if i did nothing wrong
  2. Swxas


    i was banned unjustly this is russian admins way of making money dude
  3. Swxas

    banned without reason

    so apearently im robot from future not human playing this game be siting near my pc and dats why i got banned because im myself robot 3rd sfot from future nice seems more logic then previous answers
  4. Swxas

    banned without reason

    they cant even check our ips and they say they know if we are using bots LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL this is so pathetic and sad first learn split players char apart then blame us on boting
  5. hey can we talk like humans not copy paste liek others gms?

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