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О whocares

  • День рождения 10/14/1995

whocares's Achievements

  1. whocares

    Shield Deflect Magic

    skill on max level has 50% chance to deflect. dmg does not go through
  2. Shield deflect magic for tanks doesnt work properly. It is supposed to deflect magic damage back to the enemy for 8 seconds and not by chance. Also when is reflects , you dont get dmg. This is a huge disadvantage for tanks. Why on earth this isn't working properly , hasn't someone mentioned it ? If the map is full of nukers how is the tank supposed to go in when he gets crit for 3k at least and doesnt have any skills to back him up
  3. hello , I already made a post about this but the admins ignored me. I will give you a link with a file and all you have to do is put it in the system folder okay ? dont worry its not a virus im a good guy https://ufile.io/ftkpn I told you guys to fix this people will find issues and wont be able to log , try making things easier for the player that wants to join your server otherwise you will lose people from all over the world. Unless you want to make this server only for russians
  4. You could make the B grade armors and weapon prices go down when more and more people obtain them , in order for a newcomer not to be totally useless in PvP. For example if a b grade weapon costs 1.000 adena if 300 people get b grade the adena it costs decreases by I don't know... 150 ? Think about it I have seen it on other GvE servers. This is in order to attract new people as the season continues and for them to not be disencouraged by the grade difference. I am waiting for counter arguments since this could have negative and positive effects on the server.
  5. whocares

    Othell Rune.

    Archer is dead on 2 nukes, no more. Fighter 3-4. If a fighter comes to you in melee range, you will have enough time to cast 6 nukes with your casting speed, meaning you will kill him without even running back. So, in, conclusion you say that even when a mage can, kill, multiple targets, without even kitting or using any type of slow or debuff is fine and fighter does not need a "boost" (which is not even a real boost, you just make othell normal) against that. I do not even have to mention summoners who just run and let the pet kill you. If you think that it is going to be mass pvp, where you have to kite and run back and forth, fighters are in disadvantage.
  6. Don't you want to see some competition in olympiad with all classes ? Don't you want to have some variety in this server ? All server is going to be necro sps archer etc... Some variety will make things interesting in my opinion. People will need in their party a support class to win pvp this modification will encourage players to play in parties and cooperate ( lineage as a game demands it ). Imagine a dagger party with SE for stigma , i'd love to see that :)
  7. Debuffs after death stay fix it. Cancel removes buffs for good making players to have to go back to the buffer to rebuff. I suggest after some amount of time 10-20 sec for buffs to return.
  8. whocares

    Othell Rune.

    With this modification fighter can't compete vs mage. Mage kills fighter on 2 nukes. fighter needs 2-3 crits to kill mage. So , even if they do crit 2 times in a row mage still kills them faster because of casting speed and range. In my opinion fighters are on a disadvantage with the othell rune nerfed. Can you imagine a melee class like a titan trying to kill someone while on frenzy with this rune? Untill he goes in melee range he will have no hp at all , now imagine having an extra 5 seconds trying to critical hit. This class won't make it in these circumstances. Im not saying you should make for example the level 8 rune to give max crit rate , but it should increase it by a good amount , not by 40.
  9. whocares

    B grade за адену

    + remove frintezza valakas antharas magnus and A-grade weapons from interlude this is classic chronicle they don't belong here.
  10. Hello , lvl 7 Othell rune gives 40 crit rate it's not working or is this the way you would like to be working ?
  11. Hello , i'd like to talk about how difficult you are making it for people that are not russian to log in to your server. They have to change their entire localization and pc language in order to join i suggest making a separate download for people out of russia with this file so they dont have to change their pc language. I have a localization.ini file to upload so you dont have to do much , but site won't let me upload it.
  12. Couldn't agree more I was not thrilled either but I didn't say anything. Would like A grade only , but I am not sure if Admins are up for that. Anyway , maybe you could do a vote.
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