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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем shinobi61

  1. OK, now some members in my CP are willing to give up their Battle coins for me because i am healer, so i understand i would have to pay the 1FC per box to be able to trade them.. ok i am willing for that..... BUT now i notice each member that would want to trade to me would need the BATTLE PASS (30 fc) just to be able to create BATTLE BOX.... so for 500 Battle Coins from members of my CP would cost me 50fc + 30fc for each member who will give me?

    Is this a joke?

    Please update this feature is broken really.


  2. I think you require the pass to purchase the costumes do you not?


    My problem with it is, how does a healer/support farm them, you cant trade them singley only if you create a box for 1 FC,

    but do you need to last hit the mobs etc to collect them or do you get the drops within the party with the 2x rate?

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