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О Rosaer765

  • День рождения 02/12/1989


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  1. Rosaer765

    [ Bot Hunters ]

    And it is normal. Everyone wants to be top on his server. But all peoples has different amount of free time. Bot can buff, it is good scenario of bot-using.
  2. Rosaer765

    Discuss moviemaking soft here

    My problems with Sony vegas still problems. I decided to delete Sony and install Adobe. Hope it`ll work fine
  3. Rosaer765

    What's your game place?

    Более чем, доска интересна. Если долго смотреть можно найти пару паролей С:
  4. Rosaer765

    DotA2 трэд

    О, приятно видеть игроков в ск2, как-то отошла эта игруля, уже года 2-3 ничего он ней толком и не слышно. Не считая Кореи
  5. Rosaer765

    Gaming devices

    Very oldschool gaming mouse:rolleyes:
  6. Rosaer765

    Best game of 2015

    Witcher3 at place 1 and 2 and 3. Best game il all galactics
  7. Rosaer765

    Are there any cars fans?

    I love r31 in all version, coupe, sedan, wagon they all are perfect
  8. Rosaer765

    Series recommended

    I think so too, when Castiel has come series died
  9. Rosaer765

    Food for lineager

    dude, you`re crazy
  10. Rosaer765

    Old Style Players - Opinions

    oh God. c1 look`s so clear, like angel. We need more games like c1, not like Tera or Archage. They are ruining industry and our memories
  11. Rosaer765

    Streams & Videos !

    Asus is gaming audiocard. i think, it has good recording quality. There are not huge difference between cards In low-budget class. Buy any cheap card, it will be enough. You`re not pro-musician that need clear sound recording.
  12. Rosaer765

    Best PC config for video and streams

    i really dont know. my q6600 is good cpu, but 4gb of ddr2 not enough. 2500k is old too. skylake is not much more powerful than 2500k, if OC 2500k to his 4.6ghz he will rape any i5 skylake. Maybe should i wait for new AMD cpu`s? Or amd dead?
  13. Вот это фидбек! Меньше часа. я в приятном шоке. Вот если бы все с такой скоростью обрабатывали информацию и реализовали пожелания коммьюнити! Вас нужно ставить в пример З.Ы. очень удобно, особенно учитывая, что курсор всегда находится в правом углу экрана, переход по страницам справа это прям +100 к комфорту
  14. Rosaer765

    We need mobile version of forum

    Yes, it is very simple in using it at road to home.
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