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О Doffasas

  • День рождения 01/14/1996


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Doffasas's Achievements

  1. Doffasas

    ПК услуги

    Dauni.. :)
  2. Doffasas

    How Many Online Players?

    I think admins will be forced to open box server cuz they can't handle online
  3. Doffasas

    info about c grd in npc shop

    From this post i see in real life u r pathetic guy which can't get few euros
  4. Doffasas

    info about c grd in npc shop

    Maybe they should turn off donate? Cuz if some1 will donate they can sell coins for adens.. IT'S DISBALANCE! fu*cking kids..
  5. Doffasas

    info about c grd in npc shop

    Can't u just wait few days? I think u will have time to check donate shop after start or atleast Beta start..
  6. Doffasas

    Social Quest #1 - Tell us about...

    Started to play 3 years ago in Lithuanian server's by recommendation of friends. Doffasas From peaple which are playing with me. Tired to play in new server's after every 2-3 weeks.
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