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О Giras

  • День рождения 08/13/1991


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Giras's Achievements

  1. Giras

    the first 3 characters

    Main BD and WC dont need other char or box old school player ;).
  2. Giras

    Multiple boxes

    True but 2 box is perfect with 1 box its too hardcore but with 2 box U can do anything...exp main char and spoil too if you dont find party.
  3. Giras

    Multiple boxes

    They do good http://l2classic.club/forum/index.php?/topic/8911-dualbox-restriction-mayco/ 1 too hardcore play but 2 box is perfect main char and buffer ;)
  4. Giras

    Multiple boxes

    Nope me just defend the my ideals and other people the genuine game is with 2 box!!!the satisfaction is reach lv80 afther long time... had sweated to get things...farm for get it!!how say first if they allow 2+ box you destroy gameplay...me too love pvp/pk but the most important thing is the journey itself and not the destination no one love pve instead of pvp but if you delete that passage with box no sense create low rate...go play x1k so U kill 2 gremlins and U are 80 with full buff...in short what i mean no more 2box U need put players in difficulty reach proper level gear if U dont do no sense...because all players stay ar the same level...like real life some people have low style of life some medium and some high...so some clan is pro because play together farm do raid boss and have boss spawn time etc other medium which do other game and boss and at last people which have not so much time for farm because have work family so play for fun(not my case XD) if U want server have many players U need allow 2x box so U involved to play because this is Low rate server.Sorry for my bad eng. grammar and hope me explain good what i mean :).
  5. Giras

    Multiple boxes

    No i look for team game play and solo game play when Cant find team but not with full bot...U can play solo without 373722 box full buff if U Cant need consider U big noob ;)
  6. Giras

    Multiple boxes

    Np if continue play i show you...its easy main char and wc and gg...i was lv80 on 5x 7x with 2 box and hero...sure dont do lv80 in 2 day...but with patience reach lv80...
  7. Giras

    Multiple boxes

  8. Giras

    Multiple boxes

    Believe me many people like me want Interlude 7x with 2 box only...if U make more than 2box on 7x it makes no sense to play....if U make 2+ box on 7x U can do solo Any raid...U delete the playability...7x is low rate which mean U don't do lv79 in 3 day...U need more time for do it...me really hope admin change this if they want have alive server with player...me play on ColdFusion old Interlude server 4year then they have Good idea make up to 10 box and time 1 weak server close(4k+ people and other 3/4k box...).
  9. Giras

    Multiple boxes

    For me if they allow more of 2 box me stop play :( that isnt Lineage 2 which me want play.
  10. Giras


    Hope this server dont fail like all other...try back play this game again and hope dont take enother dellusion :).
  11. Giras

    Multiple boxes

    2 box 1 for main and 1 for buffer if not no sense make buffer class like main...just for hero...
  12. Giras

    Multiple boxes

    That what me say too just main char and second box for buffer Stop!!xD
  13. Dont know when server open see which guild choice :).

  14. if you wanna join, we have a international group, pm djplayboy :) bye

  15. hello, do you have friends here ? or clan, party ?? keep me informed Aby

    1. Giras


      Nope bro im solo ^^

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