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Изменения репутации

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    GiNaC изменил репутацию Derelict в Entelechy EN/EU/NA   
    A English speaking clan is recruiting for the new opening. Entelechy is the name we chose to use on this server although we used to have a different one before. For a reason we will not reveal our previous name yet.
    We are looking for both people from Europe as well as United States or another S/N American country. I m from the UnitedKingdom and our main people are from Europe as well.
    We are recruiting individuals or small groups of friends.No CPs as of now. We communicate only in English.We want to bring back the old ways of a clan structure.
    If you are looking for a community clan ,rather than segregated ,that's what we offer.
    For contact and questions I ll use skype:ajuntapaul for now until things are settled.
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