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О Poche

  • День рождения 03/15/1988


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Poche's Achievements

  1. Poche

    Plains of Lizardman (CBP 24/7 bot)

    Serious servers used to ban IP, now they just put characters on jail and suck your money to unjail them
  2. Poche

    Plains of Lizardman (CBP 24/7 bot)

    I reported 2 bots and i got the same answer, they dont care to ban low lvl characters because no one is gonna pay cash (2 Euros) to take them out of jail. this is a busines
  3. Poche

    Ban for low character

    There are a LOT of people using bot system with low lvl characters. You guys should take them to jail, or ban. Just taking a look at Dion areas, gludio or schuttgart u can see them, clean those areas. Ban the low lvl characters, even if no one pay cash to take them out of jail
  4. i think that will affect the economy in-game, since they will use trade/shout chat to buy, sell or trade stuffs in their native language
  5. Poche

    LF Latin CP or Clan.

    dale Tundra esta bien, me avisas cualquier cosa. Por cierto me confundi con respecto a el numero de miembros. somos alrededor de 40 jeje
  6. Poche

    LF Latin CP or Clan.

    Buenas pana, mira si estan interesados vamos a empezar un clan con uno chamos, en su mayoria son europeos pero tambien hay unos latinos. somos alrededor de 20 por ahora, estamos cuadrando para armas CP's asi cada quien usa la clase que prefiera, o algunos otros usan lo q el clan necesite. Lo unico q se necesita es q se comuniquen en ingles. Agrega al skype: "ajuntapaul" (este es el lider) o a "vasquezld" (yo)
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