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О TouL1

  • День рождения 07/22/1995


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  1. TouL1

    Vipe server and start 21:00

    But still the fat guy is leveling
  2. TouL1

    Vipe server and start 21:00

    500xd not realy.. way to small amount
  3. TouL1

    Vipe server and start 21:00

    How the fak can an offline server have this fat guy online? Dont interestimate our IQ +the irony when you re-write the accidentaly wrong word "vipe"
  4. TouL1

    Number one priority?

    Dont think so, donators are already in game.
  5. TouL1

    Number one priority?

    The question is are they trying to fix this? Didnt see any announcement like "We are trying our best to fix it" or something like this. Just this FrauFrau Administrator Staff Member " The server is turned on, but there is a problem with the input. Unfortunately DDoS attack :oops: " So we are unlucky or will u wipe -> reopen more succesfull? Even Tales got better starts up
  6. TouL1

    Number one priority?

    Like CrazyRussianHacker saying Pre-Donators are our first priority!
  7. TouL1

    Interlude X7 - APRIL 16, 2016

    That s the only disapointment. Hey announce us something!
  8. TouL1

    Interlude X7 - APRIL 16, 2016

    True that..
  9. TouL1

    Interlude X7 - APRIL 16, 2016

    Winrar http://www.win-rar.com/download.html
  10. TouL1

    GMs? Am i playing a russian server ?!?!

    Yes some of them can, but most of them cant. But who cares about the server speaking language. If trade chat is in english then all good. The problem will be if trading isnt going to be in english.
  11. TouL1

    Multiple accounts using one e-mail?

    Yes you can, already got 3 with same email, and actually confirmed in all of them.
  12. TouL1

    3erei kaneis ti pezei me tis paysafecards?????

    οπως είπαμε φίλε υγεία και κλαιν :D
  13. TouL1

    GMs? Am i playing a russian server ?!?!

    Just share love with some bananas
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