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  1. Like
    TouL1 получил репутацию от Karoleva в Vipe server and start 21:00   
    But still the fat guy is leveling
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    TouL1 изменил репутацию Prince2 в Vipe server and start 21:00   
    awesome start, AWESOME.... maybe try next day open server for all not for some people? i think you need make new grand open, because some people will leave server after that GRAND OPENING...
  3. Like
    TouL1 получил репутацию от Prince2 в Vipe server and start 21:00   
    How the fak can an offline server have this fat guy online?
    Dont interestimate our IQ
    +the irony when you re-write the accidentaly wrong word "vipe"
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    TouL1 изменил репутацию Tsikli в Vipe server and start 21:00   
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    TouL1 изменил репутацию Tsikli в Vipe server and start 21:00   
    Look at him he is 17 LVL...STOP EATING MOBS FATTY!
  6. Like
    TouL1 получил репутацию от Tsikli в Vipe server and start 21:00   
    500xd not realy.. way to small amount
  7. Like
    TouL1 получил репутацию от Tsikli в Vipe server and start 21:00   
    How the fak can an offline server have this fat guy online?
    Dont interestimate our IQ
    +the irony when you re-write the accidentaly wrong word "vipe"
  8. Like
    TouL1 получил репутацию от Karoleva в Number one priority?   
    The question is are they trying to fix this?
    Didnt see any announcement like "We are trying our best to fix it" or something like this.
    Just this FrauFrau Administrator Staff Member " The server is turned on, but there is a problem with the input. Unfortunately DDoS attack :oops: "
    So we are unlucky or will u wipe -> reopen more succesfull? Even Tales got better starts up
  9. Like
    TouL1 изменил репутацию BaamM в Interlude X7 - APRIL 16, 2016   
    1 day later .... xD :(
  10. Like
    TouL1 изменил репутацию Riyeko в Interlude X7 - APRIL 16, 2016   
    i mean almost 20 minutes have passed no official announcement lel....
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    TouL1 получил репутацию от mythery в Interlude X7 - APRIL 16, 2016   
    True that..
  12. Like
    TouL1 изменил репутацию mythery в Interlude X7 - APRIL 16, 2016   
    Those countdowns never tell the truth! ;)
  13. Like
    TouL1 получил репутацию от MrPro* в 3erei kaneis ti pezei me tis paysafecards?????   
  14. Like
    TouL1 изменил репутацию InCashWeTrust в LF oldshcool clan ENG/RU   
    Hey looking for not cp based clan. I'm solo player and i will play here with SPS + EE + SE (or mb Archer +PP + BD ) , need clan where i can find party for exp/pvp/sieges and just for comunication with mature ppl. I dont want another job here with 8h prime every day ) mb i will play 8 hours or even more but it will be only my decision not cp's ) I start playng this game since 2004 or 2005 i dont remember ) I played on eu official server teon/naia and many freeshards.
    P.S. I'm from Georgia and i'm 26 years old
    Привет ишу клан для игры и фана а не для работы типо 8 часа праима в день, ишу адекватных людей скем можно пообшатся и провести время в игре )
  15. Like
    TouL1 изменил репутацию Apache Ant в will be russian language banned from chat?   
    Dear firend, please - Pay Attention.
    We won't bun ANYONE for Ru language, we just switch OFF russian from Shout, that's all.
    You will be able to write in Russian in General, Clan, Aly, Private chats.
    Don't panic, we just try to make chat for trade in English (WTB AQ +3 / WTS DRAC +7).
    It's not a problem at all.
    Thank you for understanding.
  16. Like
    TouL1 изменил репутацию iFlyToSky в English Sub Forum   
    We need English sub forums, Russians are overshadowing everything and turning away English people that might be interested to play here.
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