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О HqSu

  • День рождения 09/06/1991


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  1. HqSu

    Tradable augmented weapons

    Hi, Making tradable augmented weapons could enhance market and provide more comfortable gameplay Regards
  2. if no gate possible = war spawnkilling = will be difficult w/o OL@foi waiting for drops details / mobs details before saying yes/no it could be interesting to have a "hellbound" like inside an IL server where there is missing bit of content
  3. HqSu

    Discussion: Grand Olympiad Games system

    Voted other option : Duration of the Olympiad - 24 hours beginning from 00:00. >>>>>> Hell no ... 2 weeks period minimum Number of points early in the morning - 30 Olympiad points. Non-class battles - every day during 3-4 hours. >>>>>>> too short. I do not wish to play for few points Class battles - disabled. >>>>> yes Reward for the victory in a battle - 3 Olympiad Marks. >>> good to know but we don't know tempor. epics price so it means nothing for now Reward for the loss of a battle - 1 Olympiad Mark. >>> good to know but we don't know tempor. epics price so it means nothing for now Ordinary epic jewelry can not be used during Olympiad until it is improved through the Olympiad Marks use. >>>> noooooooooooooooo. Allowing purchase of 'shadow' as in next chronicles is a good idea. It may also reduce epic selling for real money player to player. 2week duration seem more interesting... remember x25 is also designed for casual gamers if 3 days : not every1 will login enough to worth it not ok with +6max for oly : if u work hard for something u like to be able to use it fully - if u rly want same setup for all cap to +3 at oly
  4. HqSu

    PP LF CP

    Hello, PP LF CP 24yo ; experienced player (hero, siege, epic, ...) ; able to box easily Skype: kesiu92 IG: HqSu French: GMT+1 Speaking eng/spanish With some rus/pl Teamspeak/Mumble/Raidcall Regards
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