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О Rocket1

  • День рождения 09/29/1989


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Rocket1's Achievements

  1. Good afternoon, I did everything on this event and never received any award also I thought that commenting on my facebook page notaria participaion had no idea he had put a paint image q in the forum as the 4 participants only ones who are

  2. Good afternoon, to know information about when it will review the events quest 1 in the forum and the participation of me and as I know if I won the event and claim my prize thank you very much for your attention

    1. Apache Ant

      Apache Ant

      Good day! If you didn't get any rewards, please, wrote to our support, i'm sure - we will solve it.

  3. Because server administrators are modifying or trying to make improvements to the server right in the middle of the opening when more than 2k players trying to play I think it's inappropriate because they are restarting the NPC every second generenado thus a disconnection large of players o_Oo_O
  4. Rocket1

    Auto pick up

    Hello, I think a positive, serious improvement that the drop of the mobs will automatically pick, that spending so much time collecting soil is quite annoying. On the server where it was even had a few commands to activate or deactivate (".autopickupoff or .autopickupon"). Thanks for your attention.
  5. Rocket1

    Social Quest #1 - Tell us about...

    1 - How and when did you start playing Lineage 2 R : I started to play from the beginning of l2 Chronicles 2 (C2) 2 - Your game account R: Rocket 3- Where to find information about New Interlude x7 by E-Global and Valhalla-Age? R: Google uses to find an old server interlude 4 Why stop playing on his latest project.? R: Server died
  6. Rocket1

    LandOfHeaven international clan

    Good wondering if I could join his clan and community I am main gladiator Djplayboy be giving pm to start the server with you and active'll be in skype I like to play 100% support the clan in all you can have over 10 years of experience l2 :D:)
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