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О EllinaTor

  • День рождения 05/08/1993


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  1. Add 3rd buffs to npc buffer or delete it from donate shop,nobody likes it..
  2. EllinaTor

    donate list

    Good job man:) its very good that you removed it:) thanks:) and what about 3rd buffs?
  3. EllinaTor

    donate list

    Admin,can you write on forum donate list? And please remove from donate at least sub,nobl and 3rd buffs (or add 3rd buffs to npc buffer,best choice) and add A grade after 1-2 weeks. Now it only about donate. Think about it pleasse:)
  4. EllinaTor


    Nice:) I hope it will be remove.
  5. EllinaTor


    This donate is fcking p2w. Last mid rates were good but This svr is only to earn money
  6. EllinaTor


    Donate what we can see on beta is donate what will be? Cause its p2w.. Remove at least nobless,sub,3rd buff and ally. A grade after 1-2 weeks.
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