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О Trash.Cat

  • День рождения 09/04/1989

Посетители профиля

Блок посетителей профиля отключен и не будет отображаться другим пользователям

Trash.Cat's Achievements

  1. Trash.Cat

    WTB BO Access set

    Good day WTB B grade BO access set L/O here or PM TrashPony in game. Thanks!
  2. Trash.Cat

    WTS +4 SLS*SLS

    Hey. WTS/WTT +4 SLS*SLS for 90kk Interested in BO Accessories set / SOM PM In game - TrashPony Or leave your offers here. Thanks!
  3. Trash.Cat

    Lonely ES

    Hi, i'm Elemental Summoner. LVL: 60 Equip: Above average. Online: After work. Creating this thread also to figure out - does anyone ever need a ES in the party in this world? Seraphim buffs are quite good for mages, aren't they?
  4. Trash.Cat

    Summons on 1st prof

    It may happen that i've just not played l2 for a while, but it always seemed to me that when you summon a pet (Boxer Unicorn for example) - then it should stay with you until you run out of crystals. Isn't it so? When i summon my servant - it just disappears after the green bar is gone, no additional crystals consumed. Will it remain the same when i get lvled to 2nd prof as a summoner? Can someone explain, please (sorry, im new to summoner class)
  5. Trash.Cat

    Support looking for clan

    Hello everyone, This server seems to be really fun. I've decided to play support here. Unfortunately, i won't be able to spend a lot of time on the game, but i want to be sure that i spend it with a good company. I did not finally decide about the class yet and i'm open to suggestions, but personal thoughts are: Summoners (Elem, warlock), bards (pref. BD more because it's easier to find a party, but can SWS too), and Prophet/Eva's Elder/Shillen Elder. Don't want to be orc-mystic, bishop is ok for me, but don't know if it is a good idea to play a bishop if you are unsure about your prime time.
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